Leaving Triad
banned on most outposts. With all the chaos involving the Triad
Galaxies, no one was paying much attention to the slave
    “Zor, are you sure about this?” Curly
whispered in his ear when he saw where Zor was headed.
    He didn’t respond, he just walked straight up
to the Soto alien that was standing there. “How much will you give
me for this one?” he asked.
    “Don’t, Zor, I’ll leave Emily alone. I
promise,” Jeremy began to plead.
    “I can’t kill you and this is the next best
thing,” Zor answered.
    “I’ll give you fifty for him,” the large Soto
answered with a huge grin. “I’m sure I can find someone to buy him.
We may have to lease him a bit to get broken in though.”
    “A hundred. He’ll sell great with the ladies,
he’s got natural charms,” Zor returned.
    “I’m worth way more than a hundred measly
dollars,” Jeremy protested.
    “We’re talking grand here,” the Soto answered
laughing. “I’ll give you seventy five.”
    “Done,” Zor said and shoved Jeremy toward the
large Soto.
    The Soto tossed Jeremy in a cage and
activated the force field that wouldn’t allow him out. He
continuously tried, getting shocked every time. The large alien
counted out Zor’s money and handed it to him. Zor, Curly, and Henry
started walking away. Zor enjoyed hearing Jeremy yell the way he
made Emily scream, although he would rather have tortured him to
death than to let him live.
    “Not a word of this to Emily, got that?” Zor
demanded from Henry and Curly.
    “Aye, Captain.” They agreed, knowing that she
would be pissed at Zor if she ever found out what had actually
happened to Jeremy.
    They headed back on board the ship after
leaving the outpost. While Henry and Curly headed back to the bar
for some beer, Zor headed back to his room and pulled Emily into
his arms. He took in her scent and held her even closer. He loved
her. The realization hit him hard. He loved this woman more than
life itself. He kissed her cheek and drifted into a sweet slumber.
He felt a relief he had never felt before, just knowing the abusive
male could no longer hurt the woman he loved. He found solace in

Chapter Ten

    Emily stirred early in the morning still
bothered by what happened, it had haunted her sleep that night. In
her mind, she could feel him pushing her and slamming her into the
walls and knocking her to ground again as she yelled at him to
stop. Then she felt a body against hers. Her first instinct was to
jump away, which woke Zor up instantly. She was hyperventilating
and her body was shaking with fear. The panic soon stopped when she
realized it was Zor sleeping next to her, with that realization,
she felt safe and comfortable. It was still early in the morning,
but Zor was wide-awake now even though he had just fallen asleep no
more than three hours ago.
    “Emily, what’s wrong?” he asked, reaching out
and pulling her gently against him so he could comfort her. He had
no idea where these instincts came from, but he seemed to know what
she needed from him. He couldn’t stand to see her so scared.
    “I can’t believe that he tried to do that to
me,” she cried as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “If you had
not shown up when you did, it would have been so much worse.”
    “It’s alright, I won’t let him hurt you
again,” Zor promised. He used shushing sounds to ease her fear. He
told no lies and used truth and kind words to soothe her. He
would never let Jeremy hurt her again.
    “You didn’t kill him?” she questioned. “Did
    “I was bound by code not to, Emily,” Zor
started. “But even knowing code, if Curly hadn’t stopped me, I was
so outraged I would have.”
    “Code?” Emily questioned confused but
remembering Curly mentioned something about it yesterday.
    “Any Alien that kills a human, without the
human attacking first, will either be held for judgment or will be
sentenced to death. Aliens are at an advantage over humans. We are

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