Leaving Triad
stayed down there was if Zor was there, which he hadn’t gambled
since he won her in the bet with Jeremy. She rarely went down there
now and if she did, it was a quick five minutes at the most,
serving the drinks and leaving.
    She got to the hallway that led to the bar
door and got pushed against the wall. The force from the shove made
her drop the empty tray. Her head hit the wall but she shook it off
    “You little slut, I knew you were sleeping
around on me.” She heard as she smelled alcohol.
    “Jeremy, I never slept around on you.”
    “Bullshit, you lying little slut.” He turned
her around forcefully and slammed her back up against the wall.
“Was he bigger than me?”
    “Nothing I do concerns you anymore, remember,
I was just a wager to you so you could continue gambling.”
    “If you weren’t already acting like a whore I
wouldn’t have treated you like one!” he yelled as he smacked her
    “Jeremy, I have to get back to work.” Trying
to stay as calm as possible even though her face burned from how
hard he slapped her.
    “I doubt you even have to work since you're
slutting around with that alien scumbag.”
    “Fuck you, my personal life is none of your
    He pushed her up against the wall then,
started fumbling to get her shorts off her. “Jeremy, stop!” she
yelled, trying to push him away.
    He pushed his body against hers. Tears
started filling her eyes as she continued to fight, screaming, but
no one could hear her. He took her lips in a rough kiss. She
slapped him as she pulled away. She tried to run while he was in a
state of shock over her hitting him back. Then he snapped out of it
and she saw that she had just made him angrier.
    He grabbed her by the back of her shirt and
threw her against the wall, causing the back of her head to slam
into the wall. She gasped but wasn’t ready to give him the pleasure
of hearing her scream and cry out. He tried pulling her shorts down
but she fought with him, not allowing him to get them down even an
inch. She kneed him in the groin, hard and he fell to his knees
grabbing himself.
    She started running but he grabbed her foot
and she fell hitting her head on the ground hard. She could feel
the blood start to run down her forehead.
    Zor was at the bar waiting for Emily. He had
been there waiting for her since right after she left. “Henry, I’ve
been here for a half hour, shouldn’t she be back by now?”
    “Yes, but she might have been caught up down
    “Curly, come on. Let’s go make sure she is
alright,” Zor said as he stood from the bar. He could feel that
something was wrong, he had learned a great deal about Emily and
knew she never lingered down in the casino. He was worried.
    He took the quickest way down just like the
waitresses did. He didn’t make it around the corner before he heard
her yelling, “Jeremy, please stop it!”
    “Shut up, you little tramp.”
    Zor was already running with Curly right
behind him. He ran up to see Emily pressed face first in the wall
with the human trying to lower her shorts. Emily was putting up a
good enough fight to make it very difficult for him.
    Zor didn’t even take time to process what was
happening. He walked up and pulled Jeremy away from her, throwing
him to the ground. He got on top of him and started pounding into
his face with a rage he had never felt before, hitting him well
after he was unconscious.
    Zor didn’t even know what had happened until
Curly pulled him off the human male. “Don’t kill him, Zor,” he said
as he pulled him off taking all of his strength. “You know the
code, you can’t do anything to him until he attacks you first.”
    “God dammit, I don’t care. He can’t walk
around acting like he has the right to do anything he wants to!”
Zor yelled.
    “Zor, you can’t lose your life over him, you
know the rules. If you kill him, I am bound by the code to hold you
for a hearing or to kill you if necessary,” Curly

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