
Free OwnedbytheElf by Mina Carter

Book: OwnedbytheElf by Mina Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mina Carter
pressed the razor-sharp blade against the inside of his thigh.
    “Hold it right there.”
    Bane froze, his big body perfectly still above her. She didn’t
blame him. All his weaponry, including the blade in her hand, was made from
dwarf steel—hard as nails and sharper than a dragon’s claw.
    “Sweetheart?” His voice was calm, but she could hear the
    “Silence, dog. I’m going to show you who’s in charge now,”
she mock growled, trying to imitate his gruff tone, then planted a quick kiss
on the side of his neck.
    The tension in his frame eased up a little, but not much,
given she still had a lethally sharp blade pressed very close to some very
delicate portions of his male anatomy.
    “Really? And just who would that be?”
    He leaned down, trying to intimidate her with his muscled
frame as he dragged his lips along her neck. She trembled, hardly able to
remember her own name, much less what she was trying to do.
    “Ahhh…” She bit her lip as he waged war, playing dirty by
nuzzling the sensitive spot just under her ear, then nipping the lobe gently. “That
would be me. On your back, you filthy cur.”
    His shoulders shook with suppressed amusement at her
theatrical language. Obediently he rolled, taking her with him and,
surprisingly, let her keep the knife. She’d expected him to pluck it from her
hand and take over. Instead, he moved the blade up to his throat and settled
her so she straddled his hips, big hands on hers to press her down onto the
thick evidence of his arousal.
    Unable to help herself, she rolled her hips against him and
nearly undid her own campaign. Hot need spiraled through her, the need to beg
him to take her making her whimper. She loved having him over her, under her,
behind her…she didn’t care how, as long as he pounded into her until she didn’t
know where she ended and he began.
    Smothering a whimper, she tried to keep up the tough
persona. She’d never tried to assert dominance over him during sex, but the
suppressed desire in his eyes said he was willing to play along. More than
willing if the thick cock pressed against her was any indication.
    The edge of the knife trailed nonchalantly along the
v-shaped neck of his mail, caressing the revealed skin there. He shivered as
the blade kissed him, his eyes pools of dark fire as he looked up at her.
    Oh gods, he was really turned-on.
    The knowledge gave her confidence as she leaned forward,
wiggling her hips to torment him more as she gave him a good view of her tits
in the loose top of the shift. As always, she was naked beneath it. His gaze
flicked down for a second and his hands flexed on his hips. He liked to tear
the shift from her body, feasting on the twin mounds, teasing and sucking her
nipples before moving south and starting all over again.
    Her breath caught as a fresh wave of heat slipped from her.
    “Admit it,” she demanded, ignoring the soft caress of his
fingers at her waist. Instead, she channeled her inner bitch and hooked her
fingers into the mail at his neck, yanking him upright until they were face-to-face.
“I want to hear the words.”
    He met her gaze levelly, the expression in his eyes serious.
    “I love you.”
    Time stopped, the world stopped turning and magic ceased to
exist as she looked into his eyes and saw love and desire there. Wonder filled
her, a silly grin hot on its heels as the knife fell from her nerveless hand.
All these months she’d wondered, suspected from the small things he did just to
please her, but he’d never said the words.
    Picking up the knife, he put it back in her hand and pressed
it against his chest. The razor-sharp steel dug into his skin, creating a
triangular dip before it parted. A bead of scarlet welled and grew as round and
bulbous as the holly berries she loved during the winter. She watched as it
grew too large and rolled down the blade.
    “My heart belongs to you. Has since you called me elf scum
the first time we met,” he admitted, letting go

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