
Free Unforgettable by Adrianne Byrd

Book: Unforgettable by Adrianne Byrd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrianne Byrd
like Marcel Taylor. Now get off my back.” She jammed her headset on and blasted music into her ear before she took off running.
    Marcel and Solomon linked up at Gold’s Gym for their morning workout. Their dedication to physical fitness dated back to their adolescent years. But their dreams of being professional athletes died after a series of injuries in college. Nowadays, despite constant traveland conflicting schedules, the old friends still made time to make it to their favorite gym.
    This morning, however, Marcel’s mind strayed during his treadmill run to travel back to the troubled eyes of Diana Guy. At the office, she was the ultimate business professional. She came to work on time, did her job and never uttered a complaint. In essence, she was perfect for him—as a secretary, of course.
    â€œSo what do you know about Diana Guy?” Marcel asked suddenly, interrupting Solomon’s recap of what had happened later that night at Club Secrets.
    â€œDiana? Your secretary?”
    â€œYeah. I mean, have you ever heard anything about her—around the office or break room?”
    Solomon lifted his water bottle from his treadmill’s cup holder. “Gossip? You’re asking me for gossip?”
    â€œNo, no. Not gossip, but, uh…information. She’s so quiet and all.”
    â€œYeah, I guess you’re right,” he said after thinking it over. “Come to think about it, I don’t think I’ve seen her hanging out with any of the other employees. I’ve never heard a bad word spoken about her either.”
    Neither had Marcel. For someone he viewed as irreplaceable, she blended into the scenery so well it was amazing.
    â€œWhy are you so interested, anyway?”
    Marcel shrugged and then accelerated the speed on his treadmill. “No reason. I was just curious.”
    Solomon’s gaze remained glued to Marcel. “Since when are you ‘just curious’ when it comes to women? Come on, spill it.”
    â€œThere’s nothing to say. I just realized that I didn’t know that much about her.”
    â€œAnd that’s all?”
    â€œOf course. What else would it be?”
    Halfway through their run, Tim tapped Diana on the shoulder. When she ignored him, he reached out and moved the headset from her ear. “I’m sorry.”
    Diana slowed down.
    â€œOh, thank God,” he moaned, grateful for a break from the crazy pace she’d set. “I thought you were going to kill me.”
    â€œI should,” she huffed. “Maybe then I can get you and my grandmother to butt out of my personal life.”
    â€œFine. I’ll keep my nose out of your business.”
    â€œCross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.”
    â€œSpare me the theatrics.” She rolled her eyes, but allowed a grin to curve her lips. “It’s kind of funny when I think about it.”
    â€œWhat Lou and I did?”
    â€œNo. That you two actually thought that Marcel and I would make a good couple.” She laughed.
    â€œWhat’s so funny about that?”
    â€œOnly the obvious,” she said, slowing down their run to a light jog. “We’re complete opposites.”
    Tim laughed. “Unless he’s gay, which I didn’t detect on my radar, then I don’t see a problem.”
    â€œPlease. Marcel is this larger-than-life force that attracts everyone’s attention. Every woman that comeswithin ten feet of him falls head over heels for the man. And me, I’m just…me.”
    â€œStill. He’s just a man standing in front of a woman—”
    â€œYou need to stop watching so many Julia Roberts films.”
    â€œAnd you need to stop thinking that you’re not worthy of someone like Marcel Taylor.”
    â€œIt’s not a question of worth. It’s…I don’t know.” She came to a dead stop and glanced up at the dawn’s

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