The Buchanan's Redemption

Free The Buchanan's Redemption by Alexx Andria

Book: The Buchanan's Redemption by Alexx Andria Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexx Andria
And I feel responsible, as we all do, for what happened to Isabel. But she's been gone a long time, man. It's time to let her go and move on."
    Vince shot his brother a warning look. "Don't talk about shit that you know nothing about. I was using her just as you were. Don't try to make it into something it wasn't."
    "You can lie to anyone else but you can't lie to me. I know how you felt about her. There's no sense in putting up a front. I loved her too but not like you did. Hell, I'm pretty sure you loved her more than Dillon even, but she's gone and your soul climbed in the grave with her."
    "Don't waste your time rewriting history. You want to remember things how you want to remember them but I remember things as they were. Isabel was a pretty piece of ass that I wanted and so I took it. The relationship, if you can call it that, ended badly. End of story. But why the hell are you bringing up Isabel? She has nothing to do with what's going on with Emma. From a pure business standpoint, we all have a lot to lose if Malvagio goes down in flames because of this. Emma wasn't being cooperative so I had to find a way to force her hand. I don't feel bad about it and I'm not going to back down. Even if you are not interested in protecting the club’s interests, I am. Unlike you, I'm not ashamed to do whatever it takes."
    "Did it ever occur to you that you should be? That's the problem, Vince. We both lost sight of what it means to be human. We became our father — the one person that we swore we never would. And if you keep doing what you're doing, you’ll end up just like him or worse ."
    Vincent threw the dress to the ground, eliciting a gasp from Dana as she hovered on the fringe. "We can agree to disagree and leave it at that,” he growled. “And I really suggest that you leave it because right about now I've had it with your self-righteous act. In case you've forgotten you’re no angel. The difference between you and me is, I never pretended to be ."
    Nolan shook his head, disgusted with Vince. "You're impossible to deal with right now. When you pull your head out of your ass let me know and we’ll talk. Until then — you're on your own."
    Vince watched as Nolan stalked from the dress shop. Dana stood nervously off to the side, eyeing the discarded dresses with dismay. Vince barely glanced at her before curtly announcing, "I'll take the strapless in a size four. Add shoes to match."
    "Yes Mr. Buchanan," she said rushing over to pick up the red cloud of discarded dresses. "On your account then?"
    He nodded, adding, "Throw some jewelry in, too. Whatever would look good." He didn't know why he threw in the jewelry and he didn't really want to ask examine his reasoning too closely. Nolan had thrown him off with his amateur hour psychoanalyzing and now Vince was off-kilter.
    Why’d Nolan have to go poking at the hornet’s nest? He hated that Nolan knew him so well. He hated that Nolan knew how he’d called their personal jeweler to look at some rings because he’d been on the cusp of throwing everything he had on the table and asking Isabel to marry him. He would have even raised Dillon’s child as his own. In fact, he would have done anything for Isabel. But things had spiraled out of control so quickly, he hadn’t had the chance to make his offer. The day Isabel had taken a swan dive from the top of their building, was the day that Vince realized he'd been beyond foolish to imagine he would be a proper choice for anyone respectable. Deep down, he was missing something crucial — something that kept him from breaking other people. So, yes, there had been a time when he'd naïvely thought he was capable of settling down but he wasn't a foolish boy any longer and for that he was grateful. Now he went into each situation with his eyes wide open. He made no promises and he offered no sweetness. He liked a firm ass, nice tits, and plenty of variety and he made no apologies for it. And if anyone had a problem without they

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