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Book: Unforgettable by Adrianne Byrd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrianne Byrd
swing.Marcel’s flight up with Nora had all the women practically buzzing and waging bets.
    Diana ignored them.
    In all, it was an exhausting day and she couldn’t wait to get out of there. No sooner had she slid her purse strap over her shoulder to leave than she heard Solomon calling her name.
    â€œDiana. Thank God you’re still here.” He stopped in front of her desk. “I need a favor. A big favor.”
    Not now. I just want to go home. She sighed but managed a buoyant smile. “Sure. What can I do for you?”
    â€œI just got a call from Marcel’s housekeeper, Juanita. She’s had some type of family emergency and can’t get over to his house to feed Brandy.”
    Diana drew in a breath.
    â€œI would do it,” he rushed on. “But I have a flight to catch and there’s no one else I can ask on such short notice.”
    â€œI don’t know,” Diana hedged. “I have this thing about dogs.”
    Solomon came around her desk and took her by the hand. “Please. Brandy is a sweetheart, really. She wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
    â€œShe’s a Doberman pinscher.”
    â€œA baby.”
    She frowned. “I though she was four years old.”
    â€œWell.” He smiled slyly. “She’s young at heart.”
    â€œI don’t think so.” Diana shook her head. Her fear of dogs was no laughing matter. “You’re going to have to get someone else.”
    Solomon dropped to one knee and pressed her hand against his chest. “Please. You have to do this for me…for Marcel. You know he loves that dog.”
    Diana shook her head as she pulled her hand away and then gathered her things. “No. I draw the line at dogs.”
    Solomon jumped back onto his feet and trailed after her as she headed toward the elevators.
    â€œC’mon. You know as well as I do that Marcel doesn’t trust too many people in his house.”
    â€œNo.” Her stride quickened.
    â€œDiana, please don’t make me beg.”
    She pressed for the elevator, smiled at the other associates crowded around, and then turned to face him. “You are begging. Where is his personal assistant, Wayne?”
    â€œHe’s in New York with Marcel. Please do this—for me.” He placed his hands together in prayer. “I’ll owe you one—big-time.”
    â€œNew York.”
    His pleading gaze rattled her resolve and she couldn’t believe that she was actually contemplating doing this for him.
    Sensing a victory, he looped an arm around her shoulder and drew her away from the elevator and from curious eyes. “All you have to do is put some food in her dish and let her outside for a few minutes.”
    â€œAnd pick up after her.”
    â€œWell, the lawn guy can take care of that later. I don’t want to put you out too much.”
    â€œGee, thanks.”
    He reached into his pants pocket and withdrew a small set of keys. “So, you’ll do it?”
    â€œDo I have a choice?”
    Solomon uncharacteristically planted a kiss on her cheek. “Marcel’s right. You’re the best.”
    Diana blinked. “He said that?”
    He handed her a silver key and jotted down the house security code. “All the time.”
    Dealing with new artists had a way of testing Marcel’s patience. It amazed him how this Generation Y constantly wanted something for nothing. He usually didn’t supervise video shoots or track recordings, but this new group with their excessive partying and destructive behavior were forcing him to reevaluate keeping them on the label.
    They were a talented group, but business was business. Since Nora was the one who discovered the group, she tagged along.
    During Marcel’s downtime, his mind kept wandering to Diana and the weird silent treatment she gave him. He didn’t usually have such a hard time figuring women out, but Diana puzzled

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