Love Songs (Secret Songbook #1)

Free Love Songs (Secret Songbook #1) by Jamie Campbell

Book: Love Songs (Secret Songbook #1) by Jamie Campbell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Campbell
bit guilty about enjoying Abigail’s misery. Perhaps it was some karma coming her way, Kaley was certain she must have been owed some payback. The way Abigail tortured everyone around her was terrible, it couldn’t go on forever without something coming back to bite her.
    The whistle blew and the football team lined up on the field. The second half of the game seemed to go by quicker than the first. Eli continued to score points and had his hands on the ball for most of the game.
    When the final bell sounded to signal full time, it was a clear win for the home team. The Sandyridge Stingrays had been triumphant in their debut on home turf. The crowds in the stands went wild, screaming and yelling for the team. The cheerleaders did the same while the band started up again.
    Having never actually attended a game before, Kaley was unsure what happened afterwards. People around her seemed to be either leaving or yelling. She didn’t really want to do either so she just sat there, hoping the answer would become apparent. Or Harper would find her so they could sneak off together.
    In the meantime, she was content just to watch Eli’s every move. He had received high fives, fist bumps, or slaps on the back from every guy on the team and anyone else who managed to get near him. He smiled so brightly that there was no hint of the earlier argument he had with Abigail.
    Speaking of which, Kaley scanned through the crowds to try and locate her. She was with the cheerleaders but it didn’t seem like her heart was in it. She never looked at Eli, not even once. Instead pretending something in the opposite direction was far more interesting.
    It was intriguing to say the least.
    The celebrations quickly died down when the team slipped into their dressing room. The bleachers started to empty, leaving Kaley to sit there alone. She looked around, wondering if she should go and wait for Harper at the school. But then, she might miss her. She stayed put, nobody was likely to notice her anyway.
    Five minutes went past, and then ten. And then another two before Harper finally appeared in the stands. She waved her down.
    “Great job out there, Harper. Almost made me wish I had joined the band.”
    “Really? Thanks. Stupid Stuart kept stepping on my foot and Brady didn’t leave me enough room for my bow, but I think it was otherwise okay. We really didn’t suck?” She was talking super fast and trying to catch her breath, the adrenaline starting to slow down for the night.
    “You didn’t suck,” Kaley laughed. She was so happy she didn’t cave and sign up for the band. It was much more fun watching them. They weren’t exactly the best band in the world, very far from it. However that only added to the entertainment value.
    They started heading for the parking lot where Harper’s dad would be waiting for them. He always watched the school’s games, even if Harper wasn’t playing in the band.
    He had grown up in Sandyridge and attended the same school. He was a quarterback, just like Eli. Kaley guessed he liked to relive the olden days by watching the current team play. It meant a free ride so she didn’t question it.
    “There’s a party at Mara’s house,” Harper said excitedly as they walked. “Nobody told me not to come, so I think we should go. My dad can drop us off there.”
    “Your father is going to let you go to a party?”
    “It’s Friday night and he knows I’m trustworthy. How can he say no?”
    Kaley could think of many reasons how he could say no. She didn’t want to admit it, but she was kind of on his side. It had been a long day, she didn’t really feel like going to some stupid party where nobody would talk to her.
    She’d been dragged to them before and they always ended the same – sneaking out and calling her mom for a ride home.
    “It’s going to be amazing, you’ll see,” Harper reassured her. “You’re going to thank me for getting us invited.”
    “We weren’t invited, you weren’t banned.

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