The Loverboy

Free The Loverboy by Miel Vermeulen

Book: The Loverboy by Miel Vermeulen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miel Vermeulen
were three cars behind them eager to
get passed. Jake quickly move to the side and let them pass
waving to them sheepishly. After all three cars passed they both
burst out in laughter. They smiled and he put the car in drive
again and they drove off. He drove her home which was only a few
blocks. She told him she was no longer grounded and didn‟t have
to pick Ally up for another hour and a half.
“We could sneak in to your place and I‟ll sneak out when
you have to pick Ally up” he said, “that way we can maximize our
time together”.
“My mom won‟t be home until after nine anyway so why not?”
she agreed.
He parked the car around the block and they walked up to
the apartment door making sure nobody would see them. Kim opened
the door and made sure the hallway was clear. She waved him in
and they quickly slid into the apartment so nobody would see or
hear them. Inside they fell into a passionate embrace and kissed
for a while. Then he picked her up and carried her into her
bedroom. She blushed as he laid her on her bed. He took his
shirt off and she nervously started to undo her top. He lay down
on top of her and kissed her all over while slowly removing
articles of clothing. Before long they were both naked and not
long after he was inside her. She felt more comfortable this
time and was actually able to enjoy it. They made love and ended
up both reaching an orgasm at the same time. Then she just lay
there in his arms for a while. It was perfect. She had never
felt this good and this complete.
She finally looked at the clock and noticed it was already
time to pickup Ally. She jumped up and started getting dressed
and urged him along to get dressed to and get out of here. He
couldn‟t find a sock but she hurried him out without it. After
checking the hallway to make sure it was clear she gave him a
quick kiss and he was on his way. Then she went to Mrs. Simons
door and rang the doorbell.
Ally was waiting to be picked up. They both thanked Mrs.
Simons and went into their own apartment. Ally dropped her stuff
in the bedroom and came out holding a black men‟s sock.
“Where did this come from?” she asked.
“Must have gotten stuck to my backpack at gym today at
school” Kim responded as she quickly took the sock and shoved it
in her pack, “Someone lost one and we couldn‟t find it. I‟ll
return it to them tomorrow.”
Ally gave her a puzzled look but decided to let it go. The
week went on like this and Kim had never been happier. She used
to dislike that her mom worked so much and that she was away
from home all the time but now it was nice. The weekend was long
though and she met Jake at the mall on Sunday. He bought her
some earrings and another cute outfit. The space under her bed
where she was hiding everything from her mom was getting smaller
by the day it seemed as Jake‟s gifts piled up.
When they were heading back to her place they knew her mom
was home and they couldn‟t go in like during the week. He found
a spot behind a commercial building that was clearly deserted
and had sex in the car. She had gotten to like it so much she
couldn‟t get enough of it. Or was it just that she couldn‟t get
enough of Jake? As they pulled out from behind the building a
security guard just pulled around to check out what was going
on. He gave them a look over but kept going not seeing any wrong
doing. They laughed and he drove away.
“Where to now?” she asked.
He smiled at her but didn‟t say anything. They drove for
about five minutes and stopped in front of a tattoo parlor in a
lesser part of town. She gave him a puzzled look.
He looked at her and said “I never want to lose you and I
want you to never forget about me.”
Then he kissed her gently. She melted and he led her into
the parlor without any protest. He pulled out a slip of paper
from his coat pocket and on it was a pretty blue butterfly with
its wings spread.
He showed it to her and said “I saw this today and it
reminded me of your

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