
Free BumpnGrind by Sam Cheever

Book: BumpnGrind by Sam Cheever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Cheever
stiff with tension. “Don’t worry, buddy. I
fully intend to do something about that asshole.”
    Alarm bloomed in Felicia’s chest. She grabbed Garrett’s
hand. “I don’t want you to put yourself in any danger, Garrett. Obviously there
are some mental issues there.”
    He opened the door and guided her out with a hand on her
back. “Don’t worry, Lissy. I’ve got this under control.”
    Felicia doubted that any of them had control over the
current situation. Maybe it would just be better if she and Garrett didn’t see
each other anymore. Being together was getting so complicated.
    The thought made her stomach clench.
    Once outside, Bruno locked the door and turned toward his
car in the far shadows of the lot. “See you guys later.”
    “Later, man.” Garrett watched his friend walk away,
frowning. He owed Bruno big time for hanging with him against Felicia’s nutty
    “Where do you guys want to go for breakfast?” Brad stood
with his arm thrown over Bliss’ shoulders, looking as if he was afraid to let
her get too far away.
    Bliss looked pretty happy to have him there.
    Felicia leaned into Garrett. “You guys decide, you know this
area better than I do.”
    They discussed their options for a few minutes and then
picked a place.
    Garrett walked Felicia to her car before heading to his.
Bliss and Brad headed toward Brad’s car.
    When they reached Felicia’s car Garrett leaned down and gave
her a soft kiss on the lips. His gaze on hers was searching, as if he’d heard
the doubts in her mind. “We’ll work this out, Felicia. I don’t want you to
worry about it.”
    She knew it wouldn’t be that easy, but felt reluctant to get
into it at that moment. “I know. I’ll try not to worry.”
    He stared at her for a heartbeat longer, then stepped away
from her so she could open the car door and climb inside. He grabbed the handle
of her door and was ready to close it when he heard a shout from the other side
of the parking lot.
    It was Bruno, calling out to him.
    Garrett jogged toward the sound of his friend’s voice. Felicia
followed. When he reached them Bruno was bending over something on the ground.
Bruno’s car was a few yards away with the door open, the interior light
painting whatever was on the ground in a soft light.
    Bruno stood up and Garrett could finally see the silent,
bloodied form on the ground at his feet. It was the man from the bar and
somebody had beaten him badly.
    Felicia gasped and threw a hand over her mouth. “Is he…” she
swallowed hard.
    “He’s still alive. But he’s a mess.”
    Sirens split the silence of the night, getting louder as
they approached. Garrett looked at Bruno. “Did you call the cops…or an
    Bruno’s dark gaze locked on his friend, filled with meaning.
“I think we might want to get hold of a lawyer, my friend.”
    Garrett swore softly.

Chapter Seven
    The police car tore into the parking lot and screeched to a
stop beside them. Both doors flew open and the two uniformed officers inside
slid out, crouching behind the doors with their guns trained on the three
friends. “Hands up where we can see them!”
    Garrett moved in front of Felicia, protecting her with his
body. “Take it easy, officers. We just walked out here and found this guy. You
won’t need those weapons.”
    The cop who’d spoken jerked the gun toward Garrett. “You let
me worry about when I need my weapon, sir. I need you to place your hands on
your head and turn around.” He glanced at Bruno. “You too, sir.”
    Garrett did as he was asked, but he stayed between Felicia
and the cops. Felicia lifted a hand toward him. Tears filled her eyes. “Oh,
    He gave her a smile. “It’s okay, honey. It’ll be fine. I
have nothing to hide. We all know I didn’t do this.”
    The cop jerked his arms around behind his back and reached
into his pocket, pulling out his wallet. Garrett noticed the other cop, a
woman, had done the same to Bruno.
    “I got

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