Now You See It

Free Now You See It by Jane Tesh

Book: Now You See It by Jane Tesh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Tesh
    Camden shook his hand. “I’m very sorry about your brother.”
    â€œEveryone at the club sends their sympathy,” I said.
    â€œThank you. Please have a seat.”
    It looked like he’d been lying on the sofa, so I chose one of the brown armchairs across from the sofa, and Camden sat down in the other. “I brought Taft’s things from Rahnee’s office.”
    He sat down on the sofa and took the stack of papers and books. “I appreciate that.”
    â€œRahnee’s hired me to find out what happened to Taft. I know this is a difficult time, but I need to ask you some questions.”
    â€œOf course.”
    â€œYou and Taft performed at nine o’clock Saturday night and then he hurried out. Do you have any idea where he went?”
    I thought he wasn’t going to answer. He looked at the floor for such a long time, I thought he’d fallen asleep. He rubbed his face. “No.”
    â€œDid he have a wife, a girlfriend? Was he going to meet someone?”
    â€œIf he was, he didn’t tell me.”
    â€œWhere did you go after the act?”
    â€œI was hired for a friend’s birthday party. Sounds corny, but there’s not a whole lot of work for magicians these days. Sometimes I take these jobs just to keep in practice.”
    â€œThis friend can vouch for your whereabouts?”
    â€œYes. The police have already checked on that. After the party, I came home and didn’t get up until late Sunday morning.”
    â€œDid you see your brother on Sunday?”
    â€œNo. I was still annoyed at him for losing the box. I should’ve apologized. Well, it’s too late now. It’s too late for everything.”
    â€œIs there anyone else who might have had a grudge against your brother, or against you?”
    He lifted his head. “Me?”
    â€œThe two of you were planning a terrific new act with a valuable magic box. Maybe one of the other magicians was jealous.”
    â€œSo they’d steal the box and murder Taft? That’s insane. No one could use the box. It’s one of a kind, instantly recognizable. And what could anyone gain by murdering my brother?” With a trembling hand, he sifted through the papers I’d brought. “Taft had plans for many new acts, not just the Vanishing Ruby.”
    â€œDid Taft take anything besides sleeping pills?”
    â€œWhy do you ask that?”
    â€œI found some in his coat pocket. Maybe he took too many one night, and that made him too groggy to think clearly the next day.”
    â€œNo, no. He rarely needed anything like that.”
    I gave the apartment another look. There were several framed posters and lithographs on the walls similar to the ones I’d seen in Rahnee’s office. One showed a man in a black frock coat and top hat and cane surrounded by fancy trees and bright red flowers. The name “Kellar” was written above his head in bold yellow letters.
    Lucas saw my interest. “Kellar was considered the Dean of American magicians. Always very tasteful.”
    Camden got up and went to the beautiful glass-fronted cabinet beside the living room door. The cabinet was filled with books, games, packs of cards, programs, and toys, all having to do with magic. “This is quite a collection.”
    â€œTaft and I collect magic memorabilia. I won’t feel like doing that any more.”
    I got up to have a look. “These are the things someone can choose from if he or she opens the box?”
    The cabinet was lined with mirrors decorated with little silver stars so everything inside reflected and glittered. I could tell the books were antique by their ornate covers with titles such as Magick Illusions and Houdini’s Rope Ties and Escapes . A grinning skull sat next to a brightly colored box with Asian designs and a metal bank shaped like a magician holding out his top hat for coins. Boxed magic sets in bright

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