Jessica (Tucked In 2)

Free Jessica (Tucked In 2) by N Kuhn

Book: Jessica (Tucked In 2) by N Kuhn Read Free Book Online
Authors: N Kuhn
shake things up like this. He doesn’t deserve it. He has a wonderful job, helping people, and a beautiful girlfriend, one that any man would be jealous of. Lianna really is gorgeous, there’s no way I can compete with her. Shit, she has all of her fingers, and hasn’t been defiled by an evil man. I’m not worth his attentions anymore.
    Whether another fool, taken in by The Master, or just curious about how it works, El Burro has been the number one supplier of our weapons. Guns that The Master has been hoarding, like he’s expecting a war. He’s supposed to be at the ceremony. I did tell them about the weapons room, but I just can’t bring myself to let them know about El Burro. If Tuck were to go after that man, he would die, and I can’t be the cause of that. The thought of losing him completely, all over again causing the sobbing to wash over me anew. My whole body shakes with each one, the tears soaking the pillow under my head.

Chapter 12
    I must have cried myself to sleep, because next thing I know, there’s a heavy arm dragging me towards them, and for a moment it scares me. Worrying that The Master has come to my room again, I start to shout “No,” pushing away at the hands grabbing me. It’s been months since The Master has come to my room at night, but I never know when to expect him. Not remembering where I am, I begin struggling, trying to get away. I don’t want this anymore. Seeing Tuck, something snapped and it renewed my vigorous urges to be free of the mess I’m in. My heart thumps so hard in my ears, and I begin to whimper, tears streak my cheeks.
    “Jess, it’s just me, calm down babe, shh,” I hear Tuck whisper in my ear. The sound of his voice is all I need. I instantly stop fighting, a sigh of relieve comes from my lips, between sobs. Shaking and crying again, as if I haven’t done enough of that lately, my body instantly goes limp and I relax, allowing him to pull me back towards him. He tilts my chin up, so I’m looking into his eyes. Wiping the tears away, I can’t read his face. It’s just blank, no feeling there.
    Turning to look away, he grabs me, and crushes his lips to mine. Parting my lips with a sigh, I allow him access to my mouth, my tongue. As his and roam my body, I familiarize myself with his again. Starting at his waist, I run my hands up his bumpy stomach, over the ridges that feel deeper than they had before. Splaying my fingers wide, lifting the shirt as I go higher, I reach his shoulders, and the injury I know all too well. Sighing into his mouth, I close my eyes, as a feeling of normalcy rushes over me. This is where I belong.
    Forgetting that it was his words sending me into a crying fit, I tug at his shirt, trying to get it over his head. Removing his mouth from mine to achieve that, left me feeling cold and alone. I don’t want his to stop touching me. Coming back to me, now shirtless, his hands pull at mine, lifting my arms over my head, I rush to pull them from the material, to free myself to continue touching. The warmth of his strongly muscled arms envelopes me, holding me tight against him. I can feel the hardness of his erection pressed against my stomach and I moan. That’s what I want, him, inside of me. That’s for me, and only me. Pausing, that thought depresses me. I know he’s not mine anymore. But I refuse to give up my chance at Tuck. His hands grab at my breasts, kneading them, rubbing his thumb over my nipples, causing them to harden and bud. His lips, I want his lips there, and lower.
    His kisses leave my mouth, making their way down my neck, as he lifts my shirt up higher. The tight material I have on doesn’t give him much room to work with. I lace my fingers in his shaggy black hair, and he dips down, claiming my nipple in between his teeth. Slighting biting, while rubbing the other, I softly moan and shift my body harder against his erection. Tugging at his hair, I bring his lips back up to my mouth,

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