Picture Perfect

Free Picture Perfect by Steve Elliott

Book: Picture Perfect by Steve Elliott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steve Elliott
session on both sides. We enjoyed each other’s company for over an hour and, at the end, we were both fully satisfied with how things turned out. Smilingly indulgently at one another, we dressed and went about our daily routines. Just before lunch, Roger called us all to the studio to unveil his painting of me. We gathered around expectantly as he took the cover off the easel. And there it was. I inhaled brusquely as I stared. I heard Paul’s gasp of wonder beside me. It was a photo-realistic rendition, showing everything in vivid detail. Well, not quite everything, fortunately , I thought, blushing internally. But the painting was astonishing. I moved closer involuntarily. I looked back into my own eyes from the canvas.
    “Is masterpiece ,” Maria declared. “Is Kim, no doubt. Total awesome.”
    I felt Paul’s hand on my arm. He was staring at the image in stupefaction, seemingly having finally surmounted his reluctance to see me naked.
    “Sweetheart,” he breathed, “it’s breathtaking ! I’ve never seen anything like it.” He turned and smiled at me. “Seeing this makes me realise how beautiful you truly are. I’ll never take you for granted again.”
    I took his hand in mine and squeezed it in appreciation. “Thanks, sweetie,” I told him sincerely. “That means a lot to me.”
    “It no bother you?” Maria asked. “Sit with no clothes? Me think it bother me.”
    “Not really,” I replied, my mind instantly flashing back to the commune where Moonbeam had persuaded me to join a group of sun worshippers in a field. I was reluctant to be there because I was still shy about public nudity at that stage. I didn’t mind with Moonbeam, of course, but that was private . But exposing myself to a group of strangers …….well, that was a whole different story.
    Moonbeam insisted that I learn to be accepting of my body. “It’s who you are , sweet thing,” she lectured me, “and you’ve nothing to be ashamed of, either physically or spiritually. If you believe in yourself, then nothing anybody does or says will worry you.” After saying that, she began to remove her clothes while I dithered beside her. She paused in her undressing and took my hand. “I want you to believe in yourself, Kim. I know you can. I’ll be with you.”
    I took a deep breath and followed Moonbeam’s lead. When we were both as nature originally intended, Moonbeam kissed me. “That’s my girl,” she congratulated.
    I looked around at the rows of nude figures and realised that nobody was staring at me – something I’d secretly been dreading from the very start. Not a single person was even looking my way, and for the first time since being there, I began to relax and enjoy the feel of the breeze and warm sunlight on my skin. It was nice. And so uplifting. I felt so free ! Moonbeam laughed at me as I lifted up my hands to embrace the light. I knew then that clothes didn’t define my personality. I alone did that.
    From then on, I sunbathed with Moonbeam every day the sun appeared, and even when it was raining, but that was more for fun . Many of the hippies had discarded clothes altogether and walked around naked everywhere. That ceased to bother me and I often joined them, except when it was cold, of course. There was such a thing as carrying your life philosophy to ridiculous lengths, after all.

Chapter 15.
    Roger modestly accepted our compliments about the painting and outlined his ideas for the next one. “I’m thinking of a field,” he announced, “maybe with tall grass or something like that. Kim is gazing at a flower. It’s all about innocence and inner contemplation. Or perhaps looking into the distance. No, I prefer the flower idea. It’ll have to be a small flower and not all that pretty. Sort of a run-of-the-mill flower. A flower for the common man. Yes….I like it. You okay with an outdoor setting, Kim?”
    “Why not,” I shrugged. Don’t make it too concealed though. I want to see if anybody is

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