Naughty No More

Free Naughty No More by Brenda Hampton

Book: Naughty No More by Brenda Hampton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Hampton
Tags: Fiction, Urban, African American
way. I think you are an amazingly beautiful and smart woman, but I’m deeply in love with a woman who is all that and then some. What happened back there is—”
    I quickly cut him off. “In other words, are you saying you never had any feelings for me? That you never, ever thought about what having sex with me would be like and that the look in your eyes at that motel had no meaning?”
    â€œNo, Nokea. I’ve never had any feelings for you, I never thought about having sex and the look in my eyes . . .”
    I grabbed the back of Shane’s head to shush him. I moved my face to his, making eye contact. “You’re a liar, but I can see right through you. You never have to speak the truth to me, but that’s because, like most men, you’re not man enough to tell a woman how you really feel.”
    I placed my lips on Shane’s, forcing my tongue into his mouth. As expected, he worked with me. We smacked lips for quite a while, until Shane reached for the back of my short hair and pulled it back.
    â€œDamn you, Nokea,” he whispered. “After this kiss, this is over! We cannot act on our feelings again. Do you understand?”
    I nodded and Shane’s light tongue turned in my mouth again. His lips were soft like butter. I couldn’t help it that my hand roamed inside of his shirt to squeeze his muscles. Finally, we backed away from each other and Shane cleared his throat. I wiped around my wet lips and he quickly sped off.

Chapter 5
    I hadn’t been this mad at Nokea in a long time. Damn her for not calling me during her stay in St. Louis. I would have never gone to St. Louis without keeping in contact with her. For her to be upset with me about something so stupid proved to me how ignorant she could get.
    Surely, I hated to diss her like that, but it was almost 10:00 P.M. and she still hadn’t made it home. I got tired of calling and kissing her ass, so my phone calls came to a halt hours ago.
    The entire weekend, something just didn’t feel right to me. I guess Nokea was right about me feeling something funny inside, but I wasn’t sure if my semi-attraction for the woman at the airport had me feeling a bit guilty. Yes, the woman was bad, and if I were anything like the man I used to be, I would have jumped on it. Her eyes said that I could have her, but I wasn’t going to mess up my happy home. I’d been there, done that before. I don’t know what made me keep her phone number. For whatever reason, I felt the need to hold on to it.
    When I heard several car doors shut, I didn’t move from my bed. I listened for the front door alarm to sound and my eyes focused on the doorway to my bedroom. I heard both Nokea and Shane’s voices as they talked to Nanny B and the kids. Shortly after, Nokea appeared in the doorway with Jaylene on her hip. She looked at me and I looked at her. After seeing the angry expression on my face, she put Jaylene down and told her to go over to Nanny B. Jaylene did as she was told and Shane stepped around Nokea, coming into the room.
    â€œListen,” he said, walking up to the bed and slamming his fist against mine. “I gotta head back out, but I wanted to stop in and say what’s up.”
    â€œYou know this is one hell of a favor you did for me,” I said, standing to grip his hand. “I appreciate it. At least let me offer you some money for the inconvenience.”
    â€œThat won’t be necessary Jay. Any time I can help out, you know I will.”
    â€œI wish you’d stay a while so we can chat, but if getting back home is that urgent, I understand.”
    â€œI had planned to stay, but the flat tire incident caused me a bunch of lost time. Some time tomorrow, I’ll call you so we can have this discussion we need to have.”
    I nodded and Shane slammed his hand against mine again. “How’s Mackenzie?” I couldn’t help but ask because

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