The Escort Series (Billionaire Bachelors) - Complete Collection

Free The Escort Series (Billionaire Bachelors) - Complete Collection by Lucia Jordan

Book: The Escort Series (Billionaire Bachelors) - Complete Collection by Lucia Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucia Jordan
pleasure she was reminded not to come. Just when Bea thought the
sensations would have become unbearable for the woman, she heard the Dom with
the vibrator give the command that she could come after the count of ten. Bea
heard the Dom count to ten so slowly it seemed like forever, and she seemed to
be holding her breath till the final count, and Bea watched with her lips
parted as the girl began to convulse with bliss.
looked like she wouldn’t stop coming. She came and came as the room burst with
wild applause. Swallowing, Bea reached instinctively for a drink on the table,
not even sure when it had been ordered or served. She was glad to find it was
cool and non-alcoholic, something like soda. She definitely needed cooling off
after that show.
    If she
was honest, she’d say her pussy was positively dripping. Just…soaking
her panties right through. Her breasts felt heavier, her nipples thicker
and harder. Knowing that Ryan and Jason had been on either side watching right
along with her had made it all the more intense. She wasn’t breathing properly
anymore. In fact, she felt ready to faint, arousal and awareness fogging her
senses and making her lightheaded. Seeing that girl whipped and then fucked by
the handle of the flogger...then watching her climax with the vibe whizzing
against her clitoris…Bea had never experienced watching anything like that and
she was scared how much it had all affected her sensually.
      “We’re glad you stayed to watch that
performance with us,” Ryan said softly, and she met his eyes with effort. They
were positively blazing. “You must know we want you, very deeply. There’s so
much we want to share with you, Bea. But we don’t want to share you with anyone
else. You aren’t to see other clients anymore.”
don’t have any other clients,” she said in a choked voice, instead of saying
what she should have said: that they shouldn’t want her; that they couldn’t
have her. “You two were my…my first.” She closed her eyes in sensual anguish as
she looked at Ryan’s face, then Jason’s. They had that identical look of feral
lust she was beginning to recognize and fear. Because it made her conscious of
how much she lusted for them too.
Ryan continued. “Because you don’t need to be an escort anymore. We’ll take
care of you. In every way.”
don’t need taking care of,” she retorted with annoyance. Annoyance was good; it
could probably hide her wavering determination to keep them both at arm’s
not. But we’ll do it anyway,” Ryan said with a small smile. “We told you the
other night, Bea. We are yours. Maybe you should start appreciating the fact.”
wanted to argue but then she felt Jason move closer till his lips were in her
ear again. How good he was at catching her off-guard! Sensual,
darkly so, he was whispering in her ear. Bea’s eyes widened as every
word he said flittered into her hearing and made her skin blush furiously. The
things he told her they wanted to do to her…all night – it made her
shudder with helpless desire. And, he assured her, she
wouldn’t want to stop them.
felt Ryan take her free hand, the one on his side, while all the while her
other had been in Jason’s grasp. There was no denying the intent on Ryan’s
face. “Let’s go home, Bea.”

    Chapter Six
knew she was all kinds of crazy and
stupid .
there was no way she could deny the vast extent of desire she felt for these
two brothers. One more night…would that be so bad? Then she was running as far
and as fast from their forbidden delights as possible.
limousine was waiting to take them to the new home Ryan and Jason had acquired
in the wealthiest section of the city, where anyone with their kind of status
liked to live. Their mansion was immense, and once inside the fabulously
decorated house, she saw that it was designed tastefully and with maximum
appeal. She fell in love with it in

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