Torment (Primal Progeny Book 1)

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Book: Torment (Primal Progeny Book 1) by Stacey Mewse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Mewse
nature but her lack of subtlety had really tickled him. Those breasts were obvious enough without having them pointed at you!
    Contemplating the peculiarities of female nature Hunter walked back to his van and checked the doors were locked out of pure habit, before heading for the village hall.  He made a mental note that he should really clean the rusted old vehicle more often, it was covered in dirt and smothered in fingerprints and hand marks… He’d have to make time for that.
    He pushed through the white painted door of the hall slowly once he reached the building, peering into the large empty room before venturing in.  He had expected at least one other person to be there but never mind, he was quite happy to get the job done alone, and at least that way he would be finished faster.  Rubbing his hands together in a show of false enthusiasm he headed for the far side of the room where a pile of floorboards waited for him. He trod carefully on the uprooted floor, wary of the cracks that had appeared here and there, and he soon found himself looking at a neatly written note left waiting for him atop the pile of wood in the corner.  It was written by the elderly gentleman who was in charge of the renovations, and detailed that he and his two sons would arrive at 7 o’clock.
    Hunter sighed, he had intended to be finished by then and now would have to slow his pace to allow the others to get involved. Not that it really mattered he supposed…  Besides which a bit of socialization with normal human being would probably do him some good. Living alone allowed feelings of loneliness to take hold occasionally and he was always grateful of company.
    Without any further thought he set to work and began laying the floorboards. Starting in one corner of the room he dropped to his knees and began slotting the pieces together. It was easier work than he had expected and despite all the stopping and starting he had half the room done in just over an hour, which took the time to just past five in the afternoon.  The glance at his watch that revealed this information was followed by a roll of his eyes. He’d have to have a break or he’d be finished by the time everyone else arrived.
    Shifting his weight he sat back and crossed his legs, lifting one final piece of wood to slot into place when he heard the door creep open just a crack. His sensitive ears picked up the slight squeak of the hinges and the scuff of the door as it pushed free of the frame; and his eyes snapped towards the doorway. Watching from under his eyebrows he pushed down on the plank he had just fitted and observed the door swing further open, and a set of slender feminine fingers wrap around it.
    His curiosity piqued he sat up ramrod straight and studied the figure that seemed to be almost creeping into the building as she slid through the doorway. She was no one he recognized which got his nostrils working. She smelled strange in a way that was totally alien to him… Sweet and potent, a faint hint of nervousness and a lingering scent of … It couldn’t be … Could it? After all those years alone another of his kind … A female of his kind had just wandered up to him?! His nostrils flared widely and his eyebrows rose… She was… He was certain of it … And not exactly hard on the eyes either…
    She was of average height, at a guess he’d have said around 5”5; with rich brown hair that was pulled up into a tight bun. He suspected it would reach at least the small of her back if it were to be released from its pins. Her eyes were a deep brown to match her hair, and she was tanned and slender. Her figure was attractive but she lacked curves and was more athletic in build. 
    She watched him from between think, long lashes as he looked her over, her own delicate nostrils flaring as she took in his scent.  She was not coy about turning to her more primal sense, and this cemented it for him that she was indeed what she

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