Torment (Primal Progeny Book 1)

Free Torment (Primal Progeny Book 1) by Stacey Mewse

Book: Torment (Primal Progeny Book 1) by Stacey Mewse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Mewse
Peering out through the slightly dust speckled glass, he watched idly as cars trundled past and people meandered down the street. Nobody seemed to be in any great rush to get where they were going, and there even appeared to be one individual asleep in their car parked up on the far side of the road.
    Just as Hunter was musing over the fact that it was not a vehicle he recognized the barmaid reappeared with his meal. She set it down in front of him and left him a knife and fork neatly wrapped in a white napkin. ‘Salt and pepper are on the bar plus any other condiments you might like’ she instructed. ‘I hope its all alright for you, just let me know if you’re not satisfied.’
    Carving into his steak and popping a chunk into his mouth Hunter nodded appreciatively; watching thin blood seep out of the slab of meat and soak into the lower layer of his chips.
    ‘Its lovely thank you.’ He smiled past food stuffed cheeks, thoroughly enjoying the tender steak and washing down his mouthful with another swig of ice-cold cider. So focused was he on the plate before him he barely noticed the waitress return to her post at the bar. Rare meat satisfied the beast in him in a way that almost nothing else did. Watching blood spread slowly across the clean white porcelain had it dancing joyously to the forefront of his mind.  The faint metallic tang of it … The chill, tender centre of the meat wrapped by the rapidly cooling seared outer layer. It had him almost shivering with delight. He suspected the beast would have wagged its monstrous tail at the offering, and the thought bought a wry smile to his face behind his mouthful of food. The thing was not all hatred and malice; it enjoyed the simple things in life… It was just a shame that fresh meat was one of those simple pleasures. His lupine palette enjoyed the vegetables too but to a lesser extent. The greasy taste of the oil they had been fried in lingered on his tongue. He made a note to request that they were cooked in water next time.
    As he munched on his chips, which were the last item left on his plate, Hunter glanced out of the window and noticed that the strange car was still there. Though it seemed that its formerly sleeping inhabitant was gone.
    With a mental shrug he cleared the last few chips form his plate and chugged the remainder of his cider. It was not beyond the people in the village to be able to buy themselves a new car, why it bothered him so was beyond him… and yet it continued to niggle. Either way he had to get back to the hall and get started, time was ticking away!
    Balancing his glass on the freshly cleared plate he licked his lips and deposited the items onto the bar. The waitress chuckled and took the money he offered without checking the amount, stuffing it into the till without taking her eyes off his rugged face.
    ‘Good was it sir?’ She asked, putting back her shoulders a little in an attempt to subtly elevate her ageing breasts.
    Hunter nodded slowly, ignoring her practically trusting her chest in his direction. “It was wonderful, you’ll definitely be seeing me again...’ He paused and studied her front for a name badge.
    ‘Martha’ she offered up when the silence began to become too long. ‘I look forward to it Mr…’
    He smiled warmly and extended his hand for her to shake ‘you can call me Hunter. It was a pleasure to meet you Martha, and to discover this fine little establishment of yours.’
    She giggled like a schoolgirl ‘it was a pleasure meeting you too, you with your smooth tongue! Be sure to call back soon darlin.’ Her ample bosom jiggled as she laughed.
    Hunter’s smile broadened and he turned to leave, waving over his shoulder ‘oh I will do. With steak that good you’ll have trouble keeping me out!’
    He heard her good-natured laugh in response as he walked out of the door and shook his head with a smile. He knew barmaids were usually flirtatious by

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