Fool Like You

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Book: Fool Like You by Bella Shade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Shade
least —“
    “ This
isn ’ t a
request, Alice. ” His voice is colorless.
    I turn
around, trying not to admire his face or suit. I have contradicting feelings
wanting to axe him and desiring to push him against the wall and kiss that
sultry mouth of his in the same time.
Bastard. Billionaire.
    I grit
on my teeth, waiting to get out. He never even complimented me on my professional
work outfits. He never thanked me for doing something right.
    “ Aren ’ t you
going to tell me, ‘ As you wish, Mr Dyer? ’” He
    I swear
I could see him smirk with the imaginary eyes in the back of my head. I always
forget this jerk loves this phrase. He wasn ’ t shy
about reminding me, or any of the staff, to say it.
would have been a lot easier if he wasn ’ t
beautiful. I could have turned around and slapped him on the face, kicked him
in the crotch, and lost my job happily ever after.
    “ As you
wish Mr Dyer. ” I give in, fidgeting like a little shy girl as
I turn around again. Better let him stare at my ass than me being haplessly
enchanted by his looks. One floor left and I am out of here. I leave on the
tenth floor and he usually dials a secret code on the panel and gets to his
private last floor above the office. God knows what that last floor overlooking
New York city ’ s skyline looks like. I heard it ’ s a
heaven of its own up there and he likes to spend the first hour of day in it.
Sometimes, he spends the night in his high castle.
on, elevator. Let me get out.
    “ One
more time, ” He says. “ Say it
one more time. ”
    “ As you
wish, Mr Dyer , ” I say
to the fucker, wondering what ’ s on his sick mind today. I can ’ t deny
his voice is rough, yet sweet. The kind of voice I would want to wake up to in
the morning. Everything about him is so good, all except his jackass
I hear a faint rustle behind me, and a hand is pressed gently on my lower back
before sliding down and resting on my ass. My eyes widen and my heart is caught
in my throat. I freeze in my place, wondering about what ’ s
happening. I ’ ve worked here for over six months and he never
touched me.

    I feel
the heat from his strong hand pass through my skirt and onto my skin. My nipples
betray me again and harden on their own volition. His touch is sudden and
unexpected I need time to breathe and think if this is one of my daydreaming
days about him. I don't k wow why I am not doing something about it. An
overwhelming feeling surges through me.
other thick arm appears beside me and dials the secret code on the panel. The
elevator doesn ’ t stop and continues to his private chamber
upstairs. Before I could say anything, his twin arms appear on either side of
my head and a low voice next to my ear murmurs, “ I like
it when you say that, ” I feel his breath on my neck.
He smells so good and the heat he passes to my neck is tightening my breath. “ Say it
again. ” He
    “ As you
wish, Mr Dyer. ” My lips betray me into saying this. I am already
imagining his hand cupping my breasts. I blink in wide-eyed confusion. Should I
pinch myself? Is this really happening? Why the heck am I enjoying this?
    I think
I am waiting for the door to open as we trek upwards, but the elevator doesn ’ t stop
at his private floor. It goes higher. What is going on? Where are we going?
breath almost stops with the elevator at the last floor in the building. It ’ s not
really a floor. When the elevator grounds to a halt and its door opens I am
looking at a glass window that overlooks the city skyline. I am on top of the
world, a little too close to the clouds. That ’ s much
higher than being swept off your feet.
pushes me gently against the glass, my hips betraying me again and arching for
him. Am I going to accuse each part of my body of betrayal or is it me who wants this?
cool glass against my sensitive nipples evokes a breathless moan, not only out
of my mouth but

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