Inked by an Angel

Free Inked by an Angel by Shauna Allen

Book: Inked by an Angel by Shauna Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shauna Allen
    Gabe smiled. “Well . . .” He actually blushed! “Father saw fit to instruct Lailah to intervene a bit and answer Gloria’s prayers.” He glanced down at his folded hands then back up at the crowd. “She’d thought she couldn’t have children. She now knows differently. Father pulled out a miracle for them.”
    A rumble of excited cheers and applause filled the room as everyone stood to exalt the Father they loved and served.
    Another love story all neatly tied up with a pretty little bow. How wonderful. Michael felt like he’d swallowed a lump of cotton. He looked around at all the joyous faces around him and knew he should be celebrating too. One more for the team. But part of him felt like such a failure. His party had been a disaster. Jed and Kyle were no closer to a love match than the day he’d brought them together and he was at a loss for what to do next.
    Everyone finally settled down with grins on their faces and took their seats.
    Michael couldn’t stand it anymore. “So, that’s great and all, but where’s Rafe?”
    Gabe’s smile faltered. “Oh, I thought you . . . he’s moved on, Michael. He’s left us for Messaging.”
    “Oh.” Boy, he wished he could spread his wings and fly away to a dark hole somewhere right about now.
    Gabe looked away, seemingly uncomfortable, and offered a tight-lipped smile to the rest of the group. “And we have a new member I’d like everyone to meet.” He indicated a tall, thin man with blond hair that hung to his shoulders and round-framed glasses. “ This is Uriel and I’m so excited to have him with us.”
    Uriel waved to the group. “I’m lookin’ forward to it. I’ve been on Crossovers for a while now and I’m excited for a change of scenery.”
    Michael gave an involuntary shudder at the thought of helping people die and cross over, and suddenly wasn’t so unhappy about his difficulty in helping them to fall in love. He settled back into his chair for the rest of the meeting.
    After they adjourned, he waited behind to speak privately with Gabe. He needed his advice about how to handle his difficult assignment. Jed and Kyle were proving to be impossible nuts to crack. He stood behind Uriel as he received his first ‘Love Detail’ assignment.
    “So, Uri,” Gabe’s eyes actually twinkled as he ran through the logistics of how Uriel’s first assignment would work. “I’ve already got you lined up as a substitute teacher.” He glanced down at some notes then back up. “World History.”
    Uriel smiled. “Super. I think I can handle that. So, who are my humans and what do I have to do?”
    What do I have to do? Michael mocked in his mind. He’d see that it wasn’t so easy soon enough.
    “Monday morning, you’re to begin at the high school,” Gabe continued. “You’re filling in for the next twelve weeks because the full-time teacher is out on maternity leave.”
    Uriel nodded as he listened intently. Michael wanted to throw-up.
    “You’re first to make contact with the woman. She teaches across the hall from you. A Ms. Bethany Andrews. She’s been widowed for three years with a small child. She may take a little work.”
    Michael couldn’t help the surge of sadness for the young lady. She’d already lost one love. He glanced at Uriel. Could he handle a love match of this magnitude? And why were they trusting a newbie with this? Rematches were usually saved for the angels with more experience because they required a more delicate touch.
    Uriel cleared his throat. “I will do my best, Gabe. I will befriend her and be gentle with her heart. I promise. I believe my training on Crossovers has prepared me for such a thing.”
    Gabe nodded. “I’m sure it has.”
    Michael sighed. Nobody spared him a glance.
    “So, who is Bethany’s mate to be?” Uriel wondered.
    “Well, this is where it will get a little bit trickier for you, Uri.”
    “How so?”
    “His name is Steven McKowski. He is Bethany’s neighbor, has been for

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