Inked by an Angel

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Book: Inked by an Angel by Shauna Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shauna Allen
that half-smile that said he was forming a plan. “But haven’t you ever heard the expression ‘ The end justifies the means ?’”

Chapter 8
    Something just wasn’t right. Kyle glanced up from her computer screen. Noble was bent over his current customer, stoic and broody as always. Kierstan had breezed in moments before, a whirlwind of sexual confidence. She was currently planted at the front desk, flirting with an attentive male audience. All was normal with those two.
    A loud thud sounded from Jed’s office as his door slammed and something fell. Other than his being even more of a cantankerous curmudgeon than usual these past few days, he was about status quo.
    She went back to her work and turned up the little radio on her desk as Lady Gaga came on. And then, it hit her. It was Michael that was different.
    She looked up at him. He was smiling and chatting with someone at the front desk who’d stopped in to ask about a tattoo. He looked innocent enough. But she stared back down at the computer screen. Sweet Mother of the Living Lamb!
    What was he up to now?
    The ‘Accounts’ file was somehow back in place, right where it should’ve been. She clicked and it opened. Everything was in order, just like she’d left it.
    Curious, she opened another file on the computer called ‘Taxes.’ There, neatly typed in was everything she’d need to file Michael’s taxes for this year. And she hadn’t done it.
    She opened the file cabinet next to her desk. Everything was neatly filed. Every receipt was accounted for with meticulous precision; every expenditure had been accounted for and logged correctly.
    It was a whole new Michael and it was very, very scary. Where was the landmine?
    She waited until his customer left before clearing her throat and calling him. “Uh, Michael? Can you come over here for a quick minute?”
    “Yeah, sure, Miz O’Neill.” He ambled over, his thick footfalls heavy on the tile floor. “What’s up? You finding everything you need?”
    She looked down then back up into his earnest face. “Oh, yes, Michael. I’m finding everything just fine.”
    He smiled sweetly. “That’s really good. I’ve been trying harder.”
    “I, uh —”
    Jed stormed out of his office and over to grab something from the front desk. Kierstan had said something that apparently agitated him more because he shot her a seriously nasty Go to Hell look before returning to his office.
    Kyle watched, wondering what had made him so utterly miserable.
    “Been like that all week. Don’t mind him,” Michael interrupted her pitying thoughts. “He hates having to do all his own books. His accountant up and quit on him.” He snapped his meaty fingers. “Just like that.”
    She turned back to Michael. “Oh.” Her mind raced. Jed’s accountant quit?
    “Poor guy.” He seemed to commiserate. “He can’t get a thing done and no other accountants will give him the time of day.” He scratched his bald head under his bandana. “Not sure why. Must have something to do with that audit he’s about to go through. Anyway, I told him he should ask you.”
    Her eyes flew to his as her stomach seized up. “What! Me?”
    He shrugged and pointed to the computer screen. “Well, Miz O’Neill, you’ve done a fine job here with my books. I don’t see why you couldn’t do the same with Jed’s.” He glanced over as Jed let loose a particularly unsavory curse from behind the closed door. “Plus, he needs you.”
    “Oh, I doubt he needs me. He’ll find someone soon enough. There are plenty of CPA firms out there who would jump at the chance to take on this studio’s account.” She smiled reassuringly even though she may have been stretching the truth a bit. “He just needs to quit grumbling about it and make some calls. I could even ask my father if he’d like.”
    Michael shook his head. “No. I’m pretty sure he’s already tried your dad’s firm. It was a no go.”
    “A no go? What are you talking

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