Complete Harmony
mouth, Mike!”
    His booming laugh filled the room. “That is the first time I’ve ever been called a whore.”
    “ Y ou continue to joke about my uterus being used for anything other than blood storage and I’ll cal l you worse.”
    Mike just lifted his eyebrows as he walked away. “Thanks for watching Jelly Belly!”
    Laura closed the space between her and Dylan and took his face in her hands. “You arranged this? You went behind my ba c k and called my best friend to come over here to watch the baby for six hours so we could go somewhere and fuck?”
    When she put it that way, his plan started to feel tawdry. Cheap. Unseemly.
    “Hell yes!” he said with gusto, because hey—he was a guy, after all.
    “Thank you!” she whispered, kissing him hard, her tongue parting his lips, the aggression making him submit for a few mo m ents, until he found himself and took over, leading the way and leaving her invaded. Touched. Enraptured.
    When they pulled back from each other, breathless, they found a startled Josie with her hand covering the baby’s eyes.
    “Ix-nay on the ex-say in unt-fray of the aby-bay.”
    “Aba bah!” Jillian said.
    “Great. Her first sentence will be Pig Latin. Why don’t you teach her something more useful, like Klingon?” Dylan snapped.
    Laura began tugging his hand. “Let’s go. Mike! Load up the J eep. We’re about to have an adventure!”
    But as Dylan passed the big picture window in their living room, he saw Mike already at the J eep, loading a small gym bag, waving furiously at them to get in the car.
    A man after Dylan’s own heart.
    The drive to the cabin was exceedingly short, as Mike sped there. Dylan raced inside and turned on the tap to fill the tub. Earlier that day, he had come over with the baby in tow to turn on the heat and stock the fridge. The “eco-cabin” Mike’s resort had developed was really a sex sanctuary for them, and—at times—just a sleep sanctuary when one of the three reached a p o int of half-psychosis fro m sleep deprivation.
    It was so much more fun to use it for sex, though.
    He’d attached the swing to its harness, fi n gers s t roking the leather, rememberi n g the last time they’d used it, his cock growing hard at the image of Laura’s wet lips open with orgasmic pleasure as they’d found new heights of sensation and exploration.
    Six hours was just enough time to fuck each other silly and shower. All this deeper meani n g of life crap that plagued Mike could wait.
    When Dylan found himself at odds with his own sense of self, he found pounding it out—and not through his feet—was a form of salvation.
    Laura uncorked a bottle of a nice white C hardonnay and poured three glasses, looking around the bright cabin.
    “Why is it so warm in here?”
    Dylan’s smile we n t sly again. “Jillian and I came here earlier to prepare.”
    She threw herself at him in a huge embrace, drinking wine over his shoulder. “This is the best surprise I’ve had in ages.”
    “This is the first surprise you’ve had since the last ti m e we were here,” Mike added, his voice warm, body relaxed. Good , Dylan thought. So much better than the way he’s been acting lately.  
    Laura pulled back, her mouth stretched into the kind of vibrant smile he loved to se e , and she moved in for a kiss just as her juicy ass began to buzz.
    She jumped and laughed. “Shit. My phone.” The look on her face as she read the screen made Dylan’s stomach fall, and his erection soften just a bit. Uh-oh.
    “Josie?” This was a call, not a text. “ What’s wrong?” Laura’s voice was guarded but resigned, and as he heard the tinny sound of Laura’s friend saying words like “puked,” all their shoulders began to slump.  
    Mike drank the rest of his wine in one long gulp. Parenthood had changed him that much.
    “She puked up a what? An insect?” Laura’s voice went up half an octave and she spun around to give Dylan a death glare. “A giant wing from a what?”

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