Inked by an Angel

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Authors: Shauna Allen
several years. He’s also been in love with Bethany for several years.”
    “How does that make it tricky?” Uri asked.
    Michael moved forward. He knew Gabe wouldn’t say something like that if there weren’t a big catch.
    “Well, he finally got up the nerve to start hinting around about how he feels last night.”
    “And she doesn’t return his feelings. So he’s planning to move away when his lease is up in three months.” Gabe peered deeply into Uri’s eyes so he would understand the importance of what he was saying. “If Steven moves away, there is no hope for them. But if there is even the slightest chance with her, he will change his mind and stay. She’s got to see him differently before then.”
    Uri swallowed. “Okay. I’ll get right on that.”
    “Oh, one more thing,” Gabe added.
    “What’s that?”
    “Steven is deaf.”
    Michael couldn’t help but grin with some self-satisfaction. Poor Uriel. He’d walked out of the meeting looking like a deer caught in the headlights with that truly daunting assignment in hand. But, the softer side of him hoped for Bethany and Steven’s lovematch. He hoped with all of his heart that Uri could pull it off.
    As he helped Gabriel stack up the chairs and put the meeting room back in order, he mulled over his own troubles with his current assignment. Who was he to question Uri’s capabilities when he couldn’t get it together, and he’d been on Love Detail for hundreds of years? Maybe he needed to recycle back to basic training and start over again with halos and wings. He sighed heavily.
    “What is it, Brother?” Gabe asked.
    “My people, they are still not cooperating. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.”
    “Well, your party worked out well. And I liked Jedediah and Kyle. They will make a superb match.”
    “Maybe. But at this rate, I wouldn’t count on it. Besides, Miss Kyle is still engaged to that Charles guy. And she’s been very distracted at work. I can’t get her to talk to me about much of anything.” He kicked the leg of a chair. “And Jed, well he’s just a grump all the time. It’s not a wonder Kyle doesn’t want anything to do with him. I can barely stand him sometimes.”
    Michael rubbed the sweat from his bald head and pulled a bandana from his back pocket to slip on. He waited for Gabe to say more. “Well? ‘ Hmmm’ is all you can say?”
    Gabe smiled, grinned actually. “Don’t you see, Michael? This is good. Very, very good. You are doing well.”
    Something shifted and fluttered in Michael’s stomach. “What in the world are you talking about?”
    Gabe led him to a bench in the lobby where they could sit. “Has Kyle made any wedding plans that you know of? Set a date? Is she looking at bridal magazines during her lunch break? Anything?”
    Michael furrowed his brow. “No. Why?”
    “Really, Michael. For an angel, you are still as clueless as a man sometimes. Those are good signs. If she was excited about getting married, those are things she should be doing. Most brides would. This should give you hope. And as for Jedediah, well, a grumpy man is sometimes a lovelorn one. Even if he doesn’t admit it.”
    He let this sink in for a few moments. Could it be? Was it possible?
    At Michael’s slack-jawed expression, Gabe stood. “Yes, Michael, my brother. I think you might be onto something. But I think it’s time for you to beef up your game plan. What have you done other than throw that party and offer them ample time to be together at the studio?”
    “Uh . . . well . . .”
    “Not enough!”
    Michael jumped. He wasn’t used to Gabe taking this kind of zealous tone. “So, what are you saying, Gabriel? That I should intervene even more than I already have? You know Father frowns upon our over-involvement in the human’s free will.”
    “No, of course I’m not suggesting you do anything to take away their choice in the matter. Just a little nudge in the right direction.” He smiled

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