Knight's Legacy

Free Knight's Legacy by Trenae Sumter

Book: Knight's Legacy by Trenae Sumter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trenae Sumter
and dark bliaut, she strapped on her sword and tiptoed out of the chamber. As she went down the stone steps, she found the black cloak she had worn and threw it on, pulling up the hood. One of Roderic’s men, Alec, stopped her briefly. Implying that her husband knew she was going for a walk, she asked that Roderic not be disturbed.
    Cat was relieved when the stable boy was still asleep, and thus made no move to stop her. Choosing a small sorrel with a dark mane, she walked out of the stable.
    Having awakened with the thought that maybe the portal was not at the castle at all, she decided to ride to the stream where she landed. With desperate hope she could not abandon, Cat hoped to find it there, wanted to find a way out before it was too late for she was becoming far too immersed in her life here as Brianna.
    Cat walked the animal past the clan’s small stone cottages and went east through the trees. Once she was out of sight, she swung up on the horse and quickened her pace.
    Riding bareback, she controlled the animal with her knees, the mare giving her little trouble.
    Soon Cat sensed that she was being followed and, unsheathing her sword. She turned the horse. The rider made no attempt to hide his approach, and heaving a sigh of relief, Cat recognized the shock of red hair and the slight form on the brown horse. “Kenneth! You shouldn’t have followed me! Go home! Now!”
    He smiled as if it were a game, shaking his head.
    Pointing toward the keep behind him, she did her best to look stern. “Go! How can I make you understand? If I have to go away, you can’t come with me!”
    The happy expression fell from his face as if she had slapped him. Cat urged her mount forward until her knee brushed his, and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
    â€œVery well, I don’t suppose it will matter. You can find your way back if I find the portal. If not, we can go back together.”
    As they rode deeper into the woods, Cat watched for familiar signs, having taken careful note of her surroundings on the ride with Angus. Kenneth seemed to be in a joyful mood as he listened and watched the forest around them.
    â€œEdna said you fear most people. I’m glad you’re not afraid of me. We’re misfits, you and I. They think we’re crazy, and unlike my world, that doesn’t mean a comfortable hospital where you visit a shrink every day. Here you could be shut away permanently, or even burned as a witch. I’ve got to be careful, because superstition can literally be the death of me, especially if I talk about the mist and the door. I doubt even Roderic could protect me. His decree would serve me naught. “
    She paused. “I’m beginning to use the medieval speech!” Cat shook her head as if surprised. “It’s probably best I do if I want to avoid trouble. They all believe I merely wandered from my clan.”
    Falling silent, the horses plodded on for another hour. Cat turned the sorrel so that she rode side by side with Kenneth instead of ahead of him.
    â€œIt just occurred to me, Kenneth. If you could manage an occasional phrase such as ‘and how did that make you feel’? you would make an excellent psychologist. I can vent my feelings freely with you. I have to release them somehow, or I truly would go mad. I can’t even grasp what I’ve done!” She shook her head.
    â€œI have no excuse for it. None. Last night I was playing the part of Brianna. Somewhere in the back of my mind was this ridiculous rationalization. Cat Terril could not make love to a total stranger, even though she found herself married to him. But Brianna? Ah! Brianna could make love to her husband, for it was perfectly acceptable.” Kenneth smiled softly at her, and Cat smiled back.
    â€œHow could I have let this happen? It was totally irresponsible of me. I don’t care if I do think he is the most handsome specimen of manhood I’ve ever

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