A Mother for Matilda

Free A Mother for Matilda by Amy Andrews

Book: A Mother for Matilda by Amy Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Andrews
many times had he seen Victoria Pinky swear with Matilda? He felt a surge of emotion in his chest and had to look away.
    ‘Right,’ she said as the Bradleys made their way back to the lookout area to wait. The police rescue unit was half an hour away. They were it. ‘I think I know a way in to where Bella is. Follow me.’
    Lawson, the two fire-fighters, two police officers and a community first responder—all men—followed Vic down the sloping headland.
    Vic talked as she picked her way over the wet rocks. ‘It’s been a few years but I think the cave that Bella’s fallen into is the main cavern. And there’re many different entrances, like a rabbits’ warren. Some are too small but there’s one I reckon we could get in through.’
    She led the men to the opening she’d used often as a child. The sea churned not far below their feet so she knew that Bella’s time was running out. The rock where she was lying would soon be submerged and if, as they suspected, she’d broken her leg, she’d have no hope of making it.
    The vertical fissure was about five feet high and easily breeched as a skinny kid. As an adult, not so much. They all looked at the narrow aperture in dismay.Vic peered through the opening and could just make out Bella’s rump in the distance and fading light. She could also see the ocean encroaching on the bank of rock onto which the dog had fallen.
    ‘It’s okay, Bella,’ she called. ‘We’re coming, baby.’ The answering whine was heartening.
    She looked at the assembled men. Lawson was the fittest but the tallest and too broad to fit through the opening. The others were of similar stature, the shortest one being too broad around the middle to even be considered.
    ‘I guess it’s me, then?’ Vic calculated she could squeeze through, go in, grab Bella, pass her out and be back out again in just a few minutes. She outlined her strategy to the men.
    Lawson, growing more and more horrified by her plan, was suddenly cold again. Chilled. ‘No.’ He shook his head. ‘Absolutely not.’
    Vic blinked. ‘I’m sorry?’
    ‘It’s too dangerous. What if you slip? What if you can’t get back out again?’
    Vic felt the first bubble of anger churn in her stomach. Did he think she wasn’t up to this? ‘I won’t slip. I can get back out again. I know these caves, Lawson.’
    ‘No.’ His voice brooked no argument. ‘We wait for the experts.’
    Vic watched as Lawson’s gaze became as cold and grey as the sea and opened her mouth to protest. ‘Bella doesn’t have time. The cave is going to be submerged by the time they get here.’
    ‘We can put her in a harness, rope her off,’ Stan, one of the fire-fighters, suggested.
    Vic, incensed at Lawson’s propriety, ignored him completely. ‘Good idea, Stan. Can you go get it from your truck? And ring Doug while you’re up there. Tell him we’re going to need a vet. Pronto.’
    Lawson turned frigid eyes on his partner as they watched Stan depart. She’d always been gung-ho and up until recently he’d been supportive of that, admiring her courage and exuberance. Even recognising a younger version of himself. But this was too…‘Victoria, I said no.’
    Vic stuck her hands on her hips and her chin right out. ‘I can go in with a rope, or without one. But I’m going in.’
    A muscle jumped in Lawson’s jaw. ‘I can’t let you risk your neck for an animal that sustained a fall that’s probably going to leave it with severe internal injuries that may not be compatible with life. It’s too risky.’
    Vic pushed. ‘I have a risky job.’
    He watched his warning have precious little effect. ‘Your father will have my guts for garters.’
    Vic felt a completely irrational surge of frustration well inside. Not caring about the interested onlookers, she levelled her partner with a dangerous look.
    ‘If you could fit through that hole, would you do it?’
    Lawson shrugged. ‘Of course.’
    Vic nodded. She’d known his answer.

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