Fast Bear: BBW Shapeshifter BWWM Werebear Paranormal Romance (Wild Alpha Shifters Book 2)

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Book: Fast Bear: BBW Shapeshifter BWWM Werebear Paranormal Romance (Wild Alpha Shifters Book 2) by Zola Bird Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zola Bird
Tags: Romance, BWWM Paranormal BBW Bear Shifter Romance
away and Vito’s face turned gray with fear as Jeremy punched him to the ground.
    “Gun!” Bailey screamed.
    Jeremy turned to see Gianni pointing a gun at him. Jeremy strode toward him. Was Jeremy nuts? He was going to get himself shot. Like Max. But Jeremy wasn’t like Max. He strode ahead, directly into the path of the gun.
    “I’ll shoot you, driver boy.”
    “Good,” Jeremy said. “I’d like that.”
    “Jeremy, what are you doing?!” Bailey screamed.
    Boom! Gianni fired. Jeremy flinched for a moment, but then he dived forward, and as he did, he shifted into the beautiful brown grizzly bear Bailey had seen at Wild Alpha Auto. The difference was that this grizzly bear wasn’t shuffling along biding his time. This grizzly bear was ferocious. He pounced, hurling Gianni down with a single swipe of his paw. The bear knocked Gianni right out. Then he began pulling him toward the door.
    Bailey backed away as Vito got up and started edging toward the door himself. He looked like he was thinking about going for his gun. But there was no way of getting to it. Not without crossing in front of Jeremy’s bear. So Vito ran for the front door instead. Jeremy’s bear didn’t look concerned. He just continued pulling Vito’s henchman into the darkness. A few seconds later, Bailey heard Vito’s loud scream.  
    “Get away from me, bear!” Vito yelled.
    After that she heard a roar. Then there was nothing at all.

Chapter Seven

    Jeremy returned to the cabin. He had shifted back to his human form so as not to frighten Bailey, but he was naked since his clothes had been ripped and torn to rags in the shift. He saw Bailey sitting quietly on the couch. He wanted to go to her and embrace her, but he didn’t. He knew he would have to give her time. What had happened had been terrible. She would need to recover, to wrap her mind around it. So he took a quick turn into the bedroom to apply a bandage to the gunshot wound on his torso and to get dressed. Bailey came in behind him.
    “You’re hurt,” she said.
    “The bullet grazed me. It’s just a scratch. We shifters heal quickly.”
    “And them?” Bailey said.
    “Petroni and his guys won’t be bothering anybody ever again.”
    “Good,” Bailey said. Her look hardened. “And goodbye.”
    “Wait,” Jeremy said. He grabbed a pair of pants, pulling them on. “What do you mean, ‘goodbye?’ ”
    Bailey walked out the bedroom door. “You lied to me, Jeremy. You told me you didn’t know them. That you hadn’t worked for them before.”
    Jeremy sighed. She was right. He had lied. “Yes, I did.” He stared deep into her beautiful dark eyes. “But I didn’t know how to tell you the truth. I didn’t want to risk losing you.”
    “I believe you,” she said.
    Jeremy allowed himself a sigh of relief.
    “But I can’t be with a liar.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “It’s over, Jeremy. I never want to see you again.”
    She walked out the door. Jeremy followed, pulling his pants up as he walked. “But where are you going to go?”
    “Away from here.”
    “You don’t even have a car. We’re five miles from town. It’s dark out.”
    “What? You think a bear might get me?”
    “Bailey, don’t be like that. At least let me give you a ride.”
    “Fine,” she said.
    Jeremy couldn’t believe the direction the night had taken. Yes, the Petronis were bad, but this was worse. He had lied, but he had only done it because that part of his life was over. Regarding the Petronis, he didn’t like what he’d had to do, but when they’d attacked Bailey they’d gone too far. There was no coming back from that. His bear had done what needed to be done. But how to explain his lying to Bailey so she understood? He opened the car door for her.
    “Bailey, those men, they would have killed you.”
    “Yes, I know.”
    “So you lied to me, Jeremy. End of story. You should have told me the truth from the beginning. You should have told me that you worked for them

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