Fast Bear: BBW Shapeshifter BWWM Werebear Paranormal Romance (Wild Alpha Shifters Book 2)

Free Fast Bear: BBW Shapeshifter BWWM Werebear Paranormal Romance (Wild Alpha Shifters Book 2) by Zola Bird

Book: Fast Bear: BBW Shapeshifter BWWM Werebear Paranormal Romance (Wild Alpha Shifters Book 2) by Zola Bird Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zola Bird
Tags: Romance, BWWM Paranormal BBW Bear Shifter Romance
called Vito he had expected a simple transaction. The case in return for being left alone. Vito had accepted the case, but he hadn’t wanted a simple transaction. He had wanted to play dirty. He already knew where Bailey was. He’d had one of his men track Jeremy’s phone. Not only had Vito known where Bailey was, he knew that no one else was at the house. So Jeremy had no choice. For Bailey’s sake he had to do what Vito wanted.  
    Jeremy had wanted to call Bailey to warn her what was up, but he hadn’t been afforded an opportunity. But Jeremy was done with his task now. He had picked up the men as Vito had asked. He had delivered them and their ill-gotten gain. Now it was about Bailey. He dialed her number but there was no answer. He needed to get to her.
    Jeremy raced up the twisting road, the Corvette’s engine screaming. Brandon and Jada were out of town for the day and his father was in the city. It was up to him to ensure Bailey was safe. There was no reason to hurt her. Vito had the case and whatever it contained. But Vito was unpredictable. And that’s what had Jeremy worried. He felt his bear call out to Bailey as he raced up the hill. Bailey was his mate and he planned to claim her. He planned to claim her as soon as he could. But first he needed to deal with Vito. And that might be easier said than done.
    When Jeremy pulled into the driveway he felt relief. At least there were no other vehicles there. Everything was exactly as he had left it. But when Jeremy got out of the car, he immediately felt his bear. His bear was agitated and he saw why. There were tracks in the gravel drive, tire tracks immediately in front of the farthest garage. But nobody used that garage. There was no reason for there to be tire tracks there. They hadn’t been there when he had left, he was sure of it. Which meant…


    Bailey stared into Vito’s scarred face. He was an ugly man made uglier by the gun he held in front of her. But what could she do? His horrible henchman Gianni was only a few steps away, and he, too, held a gun.
    No, Bailey thought, it’s happening. After all these years they had finally caught up with her. She had hidden the best she could, but she did have one serious regret. Whatever it was inside of that awful briefcase, she wished she’d destroyed it while she’d had the chance.
    “Who else did you tell about the case?” Vito asked.
    “I’m going to ask you one more time. Who else knows?”
    “And I’m going to tell you one more time. Nobody,” Bailey said.
    “Maybe she’s telling the truth,” Gianni said.
    “Maybe you should shut up,” Vito replied. He moved in close to Bailey. So close that his face was right in hers. “Now this is your final warning. Tell me who you told or I’m done asking.”
    “Screw you, Vito.”
    “I couldn’t have heard that correctly.”
    “No, I think you did,” Bailey said, “but in case you didn’t: Screw. You.”
    Bailey smiled. For some reason, now that the other shoe had finally dropped, Bailey felt brave. Braver than she ever had in her life. And not only that, she felt angry. So she did something impulsive. She spit in Vito’s face. Bailey knew it wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but she couldn’t help herself. She hated the man who had forced her into hiding. She hated him like she had never hated anyone in her life. But from the moment Vito reached up to wipe the spittle from his chin, Bailey knew she was going to have to pay for what she had done. White-hot rage flamed in Vito’s eyes. He gritted his teeth and raised his hand, swinging down with the pistol in a hard, brutal movement.
    Bailey ducked away, rolling to the side of the couch.
    And the front door burst open.
    “Never hit a lady.”
    Jeremy charged into the room, covering the distance between the door and Vito in a fraction of a second. He caught Vito’s wrist in his hand, squeezing it until the pistol fell out. Jeremy kicked the pistol

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