Distraction (Westbrook Series Book 1)

Free Distraction (Westbrook Series Book 1) by Laura Clark

Book: Distraction (Westbrook Series Book 1) by Laura Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Clark
doesn't want to stop looking at me.
    I am standing here, like an idiot, for way too long after he shuts the door. I finally close my bedroom door softly behind me.  I slide my back down until my legs are tucked under my arms on the floor. I rest my chin on my knees, and think more about what had just happened. I'm absolutely stunned. I feel as if my body is floating. The weightlessness is so overwhelming; it's like my body is filled with helium, and nothing could ever pull me back down.

Chapter Eight: The Never-Ending Brunch
    I don't sleep very much. Just knowing that Sam is sleeping in the room next to me is enough to keep my mind awake and racing with an endless stream of thoughts and questions. Where do we go from here? Are we a real couple now? What is Kyle going to think ? What will my parents say ? I'm not sure I'm ready for my family to know. For now, I just want to keep Sam all to myself, without having to deal with everyone else’s reactions.
    The questions keep flowing through my mind. How is this supposed to work when he goes back to school? Is he going back to campus with Kyle for the whole summer, or is he going home to Portland?
    Here I am again, letting my mind drift to unknown territories. I have no idea if Sam even sees this beyond tonight or even this weekend. He said I was special, but how many times have I heard about guys saying things like that, to make girls do things with them that they otherwise wouldn't? If he were really like that, would he have left me standing at my bedroom door last night?
    I'm not even a hundred percent sure I would have had enough will power to stop him, had he tried to do more. No, I'm pretty sure I would have let him pull me into that guest room, to live out every part of my forbidden fantasy. I'm glad that he didn't though, because I know I'm not ready for that.
    As I smooth my comforter over my bed, and carefully place my throw pillows on it, I wonder about what Avery will think. For a brief moment, I completely forget that she already knows. When I recall the look on her face after she saw us together, I laugh to myself as I fall back onto my freshly made bed. She is going to give me so much trouble, especially since I lectured her about what a bad idea it would be for us to date college boys.
    I'm anxious to talk to her and see what she thinks, but it's still pretty early. I did promise I'd call her today. After all, I'm sure she is dying to know what is going on. Surely, this is important enough to justify an early morning call.
    I dig my iPhone out of my purse, chastising myself for forgetting to charge it. There is only about four percent of juice left. I plug it into my charger and slide the bar with my thumb to unlock it. Apparently, I have missed five text messages between last night and this morning. The first two texts are from Avery.
    Avery Brooks: OMG! You and Sam???!!! It took everything in me not to jump up and down and start screaming when I saw his gorgeous arms wrapped around you! :)
    This makes me laugh. It's true. Avery doesn't usually hold back, but I am so grateful she chose to spare me further humiliation last night. She didn't think much about embarrassing me in front of Trevor earlier in the evening, but I've decided to let that go, since she had enough good sense not to do it to me in front of Sam.
    Avery Brooks: So, when did this happen? Did he kiss you? Was it good? Why am I even asking? It's Sam Woodson! Of course it was good!!! This is so exciting! I can't wait to hear all about it!!! You better call me the minute you wake up! I want deets!!!! OMG! So happy for you! Xoxo :)
    I laugh. She is seriously going to break the exclamation point button on her phone . The third text is from Allie from last night.
    Allie Summers: OMG- Great party! Everyone had a blast. You definitely need to have more parties this summer. BTW- what's up with you and Devon? He seemed really pissed about something and then he just left without

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