The Power of Twelve
the Dream , with the Illuminati already fully aware of the book, she was also becoming aware that it was perhaps too late to undo what had been done.
    Abigail/Barbara pressed Otto for additional details. “You are extremely generous. I don’t know how we can thank you,” Abigail/ Barbara began. “One concern, however, that I have is that from my understanding the techniques you share in The Book of the Dream can be used for either good or evil. Is that true?”
    Otto understood her point immediately. “I suppose that is true, just as nuclear energy or any other force can be used for good or evil,” he acknowledged. “I cannot control what people do with the knowledge and power they will gain from The Book of the Dream , but I think we are living in a time in which it is impossible to know who is truly good and who is truly evil.” He had obviously given the matter a great deal of thought, because he explained his rationale this way: “I may be naïve, but without knowing how to create a system to select the good from the bad, I felt the best strategy to help the world was to simply provide the information in a low-priced book and let the world determine how the techniques would be used. The techniques actually work best,” he pointed out, “if you are helping others and creating the most good for the largest number of people.Still, selfish people can manipulate this knowledge and use it for their own ends and even evil goals. I hope that that is not happening, but I suppose the knowledge is similar to a force of nature. It does not judge how human beings use that force, whether it be fire, electricity, or, in my case, the mystical connection between thought and manifestation.”
    â€œYes, I think you are correct,” Abigail/Barbara agreed. “Once knowledge is available it is impossible to contain it. Many times throughout history this has been tried, and though it can be successful for a while, eventually the knowledge reaches everyone. My understanding is that the specific techniques you teach are a form of meditation and visualization. Is that correct?”
    â€œThat is an oversimplification, but in essence The Book of the Dream does teach meditation and visualization techniques,” Otto confirmed. “However, the way in which these techniques are presented is what makes the book so valuable. After just sixty-three days anyone can manifest that which they truly desire. My hope is that if millions of people with a shared vision practice the techniques together, we can accelerate the evolution of consciousness on this planet.”
    Looking at his watch, Jim Cusumano joined the conversation. “Otto, thank you so much for your support. We are truly aligned, for part of the mission of Project Wake Up will be to ensure that millions of people become aware of these techniques. I know that we could talk for hours about the specific techniques you teach—and I am personally fascinated to learn where and how you learned them— but given how short the time is, we need to focus on the specific roles of each of us in developing Project Wake Up.”
    Within the ninety minutes before the meeting had come to an end, everyone knew what they were to do before the next meeting, which would be at Chateau Mcely.
    As Barbara walked back to Eve’s car, she had an inner dialogue with Abigail, who started the conversation. “Otto has already shared information, which for thousands of years was held only by sacred teachers. I think it is now too late to undo what he has done. We willhave to find an alternative solution to stopping the Illuminati from controlling this planet.”
    Barbara’s thought back to Abigail was: “Do you know how you are going to do that?”
    She was not reassured when Abigail’s only response was, “Not yet.”

    A RNOLD WHEELER HAD ALREADY toured his windmill

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