The Purrfect Predicament (Australian Shifters)

Free The Purrfect Predicament (Australian Shifters) by Angela Castle

Book: The Purrfect Predicament (Australian Shifters) by Angela Castle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Castle
Tags: Fiction
    "It means we were destined to be together forever, we will always protect, cherish and pleasure you. Anything you want, baby, it's yours. You belong to us, and we to you. Once we claim you properly."
    "Claim me, how? With sex?"
    "A little more than that. Sex is a part of it, but when you fully accept us, we'll each bite you, just here." He nuzzled in at her throat and ran his tongue over her skin, making her shudder and her sex pulse with a need to be filled.
    "Then what?"
    He raised his head, his face a mask of seriousness.
    "We're as good as married, only it's a bond that can't be broken, except by death."
    'You are the safest person on the planet with two shifter mates to protect you. And we don't just think you're our mate, we know you are our mate.'
    His previous words drifted on her mind. It was a hell of a commitment to make to someone. "You really want this? Want me?"
    "Sweetheart, you have no idea how badly we need you. What power you hold in your two little hands. Our Panthers know you are the one they need. The bond of mates is so strong we can never even look at another woman. Our lust and desires are and will always be for you."
    Oh wow . How did someone respond to that? Juniper always knew, if something sounded too good to be true, then it was.
    A happy, normal life was all she ever wanted, but that was never going to happen. There was also the possibility if he ever found her, her men would pay the price, he would kill them, then shoot her, just like he had… Neil.
    "I see doubt and fear in your eyes. Which I can understand, humans take a longer time adjusting to the idea. But…" His smile morphed into one of pure seduction. "We have forever to convince you of the truth."
    Forever? Oh how she wished it to be true. But the future held all sorts of uncertainties.
    Why couldn't she reach out and take what was offered, just for now? They wanted to give her comfort and sex. That she did want, as wicked as it was, with both brothers. They seemed to have no qualms in wanting to share her.
    She turned, burying her face against Andy's naked chest, letting out a soft sigh as Andy's hand stroked down her naked back.
    "Will you at least let us make love to you?" His tone was gentle, yet held a note of desperation. She had a feeling if she persisted with a no, they would back off.
    Trust them. "Yes," she murmured, feeling her cheeks flame. But should she tell them the truth? Would they reject her if they knew?
    Andy's hand caught her chin, tilting her head back to meet his darkened gaze, blazing with passion. "Be sure, sweetheart, because when we start, we will both make love to you, not just me."
    The sheer carnal desire blazing in his chocolate gaze washed away all hesitation. She reached up, stroking her hand along the side of his face. "I'm sure."
    "Sure about what?" She turned in Andy's arms seeing Hamish stride into the bedroom, stopping at the foot of the bed. His gaze mirrored the heated desire in his twin's eyes, as they stared at her.
    Her cheeks flamed, her stomach pitching as if she'd been caught with her hand in the biscuit jar.
    "I love it when she blushes like that." Andy grinned, and ripped the covers from them both. She was completely naked. She gasped, but Andy grabbed her wrists before she could snatch the sheet.
    "She's sure about letting us love her, isn't that right, sweetheart? So no more hiding this delicious body of yours…"
    She watched Hamish's gaze leisurely move down her body and up again, his smile one of pure want. It made her burn hotter. "…and you, brother, are overdressed."
    "Someone has to act responsible in this house or nothing would get done." Hamish swiftly removed his t-shirt, before going for his jeans.
    "Oh, I'm wounded, hear that, sweetheart? He thinks I'm not responsible."
    "I'm starting to agree with Hamish," she yelped as Andy nipped her shoulder in retaliation. She glared at him "Sadistic too."
    Andy grinned and kissed the area he'd just nipped.
    Hamish chuckled,

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