Forever Rain (Rain Will Fall Trilogy #1)

Free Forever Rain (Rain Will Fall Trilogy #1) by Cindy Lou Moldovan

Book: Forever Rain (Rain Will Fall Trilogy #1) by Cindy Lou Moldovan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Lou Moldovan
said as she bustled around the kitchen. She loved to be complimented on her food and nothing pleased her more than to see everyone partake in what she prepared.
    We all jumped on the bandwagon, blaming Jenna for just about any silly thing we could imagine. She ate it up too, and chimed in about how much fun it was trying to get pregnant, but that it had already been three months, and she was ready to get pregnant already.
    We finally said our goodbyes to Jenna. I texted David and thanked him again for everything. We piled into the limo and made our way back to Houston.
    “So, Jordan Dawson was at your party, huh?” Aunt Suzette asked. She was as sharp as a tack.
    “Aunt Suz…leave well enough alone. I hope never to see him again, good riddance.”
    She chuckled. “So, I will have to be the one to tell you?”
    “Tell me what?” I sat straight up in my seat. My eyes looked around at Mia and Veronica as if daring them to know something I didn’t, but clearly they did not know much more than me since they were all ears as well.
    “Sweetie, Jordan apparently is moving his headquarters to Houston from Brussels,” she said calmly, as if though she were talking about the weather.
    “What the f—-”
    “Manners, dear!” she admonished me quietly as I was about to let the F-bomb fly, which would have embarrassed her and myself greatly.
    “Who else knows about this, Aunt Suzette, and when did you find out?” My tone of voice was frosty and I was trying not to take my frustrations out on her.
    “I found out last night. David told me. He asked me to tell you and I thought that since Mia and Veronica are your best friends and you would tell them…well, I thought that it would be OK to tell you now.” I saw that this has made her uncomfortable and I leaned over to her and squeezed her hand.
    “I’m sorry for losing it. Really, I am.”
    “Understandable, dear. David said Jordan told him about the move a few months ago, but David didn’t know how to tell you and he didn’t want to get Jenna involved, so he asked me to tell you.” Aunt Suzette had been there to hold my hand when Jordan’s relationship and mine went south. I imagine she knew I was still pissed at Jordan and may never get over his betrayal.
    I looked at Mia and Veronica and saw that they were concerned as well. Jordan and I dated for a little over six months and they were there to pick up the pieces when he cheated on me with his secretary. Someone I had only met a couple times, but she made it quite clear that she and Jordan had been around the block a couple times and they were still an item.
    I looked out the window of the car in dismay. I didn’t want to go through this. I didn’t want to live in the same town as Jordan Dawson. Why was he moving to Houston? Why move his whole company? Why now, after 10 years…just as my life was about to be settled into a nice, quiet phase with a perfect gentleman? I took a deep breath. I have friends and family around me. Everything will be fine. Houston is a massive city and big enough for both of us.
    I have my business and employees that I’m responsible for. We didn’t move in the same circles and we have no friends in common. From what I tried not to hear about him, but inevitably did…Jordan lived a life of wealth, never lacking of gorgeous women on his arms, private aircraft jetting around the world and driving fast, expensive sports cars. We probably didn’t even know the same people. I could avoid him. No, I must at all costs avoid Jordan Dawson.
    “You have an incredible amount of support around you, Zoe. We were there for you 10 years ago and are here for you now,” Mia said, squeezing my hand that was actually cold and numb now.
    “Look, Zoe, Jordan will not be dealing with a young, naive 20-year-old girl now. You’re an accomplished business woman. He’s in for a big surprise if he thinks he can waltz back into your life and mess around with your head again,” Veronica, ever the

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