RANSOM GIFT: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Commanding Proposal, Hidden Proposal, Ransom Proposal)

Free RANSOM GIFT: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Commanding Proposal, Hidden Proposal, Ransom Proposal) by Kristina Royer

Book: RANSOM GIFT: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Commanding Proposal, Hidden Proposal, Ransom Proposal) by Kristina Royer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristina Royer
tried to make the most out of that split second kiss. That’s all I could do for now.
                  “Do you want me to come with you at your workshop?” I asked him.
    Gary and I have found him a workshop for the next whole month since he needs to finish his collection before leaving for Paris for a whole year.
                  “No, baby, I’ll be fine. I know you still have to do things here before dad come over this afternoon.” He said. I nodded at him with a smile. Oh, so I will be left out here all alone…
    He continued preparing to go, and I was just watching him intently. God he’s amazing…
                  “What’s that?” He said looking at the paper bag I placed on our little dining table.
                  “These are our breakfast.” I answered him.
    He walked over to help me prepare them for the both of us. “I’m sorry I didn’t cook.” I said to him.
    He looked at me, and he flashed his sweetest smile. “Baby, it’s alright.” I felt so loved, accepted and understood. I thought that’s all that matters.
    After eating our breakfast, he walked over to me, and he touched my head, caressing my hair. I placed my arms around his waist, stared at him.
    I shifted my stare to his lips, and I unconsciously bit my lip. It has made him giggle. I enjoyed seeing him like that—as if he was very into the idea of how much he makes me long for him… every single day.
                  “I have to go. Be a good girl, okay?” He joked.
    I smiled sweetly at him. “I will.” I answered him.
    He kissed my lips, and I accidentally had a stare towards the wall clock that came in with the apartment package, and I saw that he’s a bit an hour earlier for workshop.
    As far as I’ve learned, his workshop won’t open after an hour and thirty minutes. And travelling to that place would only take him few minutes of walk.
    Hmm… maybe he just wanted to make sure that he won’t be late. It’s weird, yes but I shouldn’t doubt him just for that.
    I wanted to ask him so bad, but I was scared that he might not find it very offensive. So I just kept my mouth shut because I never wanted to cause him that kind of thinking that I was having a bit of doubts about his loyalty.
    I mean, screw loyalty issues as that’s going to be really foul. Or so I thought.
    I watched him walk out of our apartment door.
    God that felt so good to call this thing ‘ours’. I felt this sudden sting of pain in my chest, for some reasons I couldn’t ever explain.
    He wasn’t even doing something wrong, why on Earth would I feel very humiliated and betrayed?
    I was indeed becoming this crazy bitch with some alter ego that he partner was just about to see and hate. I shook the idea out of my head. No, I can’t be that wrong version of myself. This was the version of me that he came to know and love, I should remain to be her at all costs.
    I tried to keep myself busy so I won’t be paranoid of the stuff going on. It’s been thirty minutes since Gary left, and I was half-way done cleaning our small apartment—packing things unnecessary, piling up our clothes and pretty much normal unpacking activities.
    I was in the middle of this thought when I heard the doorbell ringing. Who could it be? It’s still too early for dad to come over. Besides, we haven’t told this address to anyone yet.
    I gestured to open up the door when I heard a familiar voice calling out for me. “Kris, it’s me.” It’s Clemente. What’s he—? How did he—?
    I opened up the door for him, and he was soaked in rain. Wait, was it raining? OMG! Gary!
                  “Clemente… What are you—?” I wasn’t able to finish my sentence because he suddenly leaned over to kiss me. It was very intruding and pushy.
                  “Stop…!” I cried while fighting the weight of his arms. I pushed him, but I couldn’t push him too far to slap him so hard in his freaking

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