Haunted By Her Dragon (The Dragon Guard Series)

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Book: Haunted By Her Dragon (The Dragon Guard Series) by Julia Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Mills
for bed, she remembered she hadn’t called Lance to let him know
she had another way to work. Never shying away from anything in her life, she
surprised herself that just the thought of talking to Lance on the phone made
her pulse race. Hoping a shower would calm her nerves, she headed upstairs. She
stood under the warm spray and thought of everything she knew about the man
that had taken up residency in her brain. The instant connection she had felt
when he rescued her, the way he occupied her thoughts every day, the feeling
that he had been watching and protecting her, and then there was the save on
the side of the road. If all that wasn’t enough, he was fixing her car. She had
never met anyone like him.
herself in her favorite fluffy towel, she made her way into her bedroom and
decided texting Lance to tell him her plans for tomorrow was easier than a
conversation. She quickly typed, “Thank you so much for fixing Bonnie Blue.
Charlie can take me to work in the morning. Talk to you tomorrow. Night, Sam” and hit send before she could chicken out.  When in the hell had
she turned into such a marshmallow or worse yet, a girlie girl? She was
definitely losing her mind. Momma Maybelle , her
foster mom, had always said a good night’s sleep would cure what ailed her and
that was exactly what she was going to get. Slipping on her Garfield nightshirt
and sliding into bed, she pulled up the covers just as the text alert on her
phone sounded. Without thinking, she grabbed her phone and read the words that
would fuel the most erotic dreams of her life. “Sweet Dreams, Doc.”
    Closing his phone after
returning her message, he stood in the woods behind her house staring at the window
to her bedroom. Now that he had been there, he could vividly imagine every move
she made, everything she touched. When the lights went out, he was certain she
was snug in bed, and his body ached to be wrapped around hers. The thought of
their bodies intertwined, replete from hours of lovemaking, had been in his
mind for so long, he thought of little else. He had been sure she wouldn’t
accept his offer for a ride to work, but was willing to try anything to spend
more time with her, away from the chaos and conflict that haunted them at every
his thoughts away from his mate and to the asshole that he wanted dead, he
thought about the information they had gotten from the werepanthers that had infiltrated the wizard’s camp. At that moment, he was supposed to be
meeting with the other members of his Force to plan their next move, but no
matter how hard he tried, he was unable to stop the images of dark, curly hair
and passion-filled, deep brown eyes long enough to focus. Earlier, he’d made up
some lame excuse, cut the mental connection between him and his brethren, and
ridden his Harley as fast as he could just to be near her. It seemed like the
harder he pushed for the time he needed to eliminate their enemies, the more
difficult it became to resist what had been set into motion almost twenty-nine
years ago when the Universe created this amazing woman destined to be his mate.
needed to burn off some of the excess energy being fed by his dragon and the
mating call that pumped through his veins. Eighty years ago, he would have
called forth his dragon and flown for hundreds of miles, but in this day and
age, that was something used only when absolutely necessary. He took off
running through the woods, using his enhanced speed to mimic flight. The longer
he ran, the stronger the need for flight became, until he could no longer deny
his dragon or himself what they so desperately needed.  Deep in the woods,
several miles from Sam and civilization, he called forth his dragon. As the
magic infused his body and filled the air around his beast, he felt a freedom
and strength he missed when in human form. The golden beast’s scales glimmered
in the limited moonlight as his wings unfurled and his dragon

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