Stealth Moves

Free Stealth Moves by Sanna Hines

Book: Stealth Moves by Sanna Hines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sanna Hines
Tags: Fiction / Thrillers
stairs to her grandmother’s bedroom, the screams stopped. Liv opened the door slowly so the hall light wouldn’t knife into the room. Grandmother slept with a nightlight. Liv could see she was sitting up, eyes open, though her eyes weren’t focusing. Crying “No! No!” she clawed air with her nails.
    Liv remembered Mrs. Barnes’ words: “It’s the narcolepsy. She has vivid dreams. When they’re bad, they’re really bad. Just try to soothe her, bring her back to the real world.”
    “Grandmother,” Liv crooned at her bedside, “I’m here. Can you hear me?” No response yet, so Liv shifted the drapes aside to glance out the window. The terrace below was dark. Some bodyguard! A person could get murdered in this house and Holly Glasscock wouldn’t notice.
    She turned. Grandmother blinked and shivered. Liv sat on the bed to hold her. “It’s okay. You had a nightmare. Everything’s okay.”
    “It was so…so very real.” Grandmother shuddered. Liv hugged tighter, but Grandmother pulled away to grip her hands. “You—oh, God…” Tears misted her eyes. “Olivia, I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you.” When the tears fell, Liv didn’t know what to do; being emotional wasn’t The Smallwood Way.
    And yet Grandmother was saying, “I love you so.” She released Liv’s hands to swipe at her own damp cheeks. “Silly of me to cry,” she said, shaking her head. “I just want you safe. Please, please don’t run away from Holly again.”
    “She gets in the way!” Liv fumed. “She won’t let me work on the plan to rescue Ari. Like yesterday, she wanted to stop me from going to the café to meet Ari’s mother. I had to be there. We’re posting the first video today. Maybe even the one on Kyle. And tomorrow—ohmygod, I need to call that guy. We have to get the second video done.”
    “Holly’s brother. He’s doing a part in the video. He’s gorgeous, even if his sister’s a troll.” Liv twisted her lips.
    Grandmother sighed. “I wish you’d learn to accept her. The other candidates for the job were much older.” Her head lolled forward onto Liv’s shoulder. She was asleep.
    Liv settled her back onto the bed, smoothed her hair, and drew up the covers. She tiptoed out of the room, but left the door cracked open in case the nightmares started again.
    In her own room, Liv checked the clock—6 a.m. Too late to go back to sleep. She only had a few minutes before she needed to dress. She thought about calling her mother, but it was 3 a.m. in California. Liv sent off texts to Maddy and Tay asking if they were awake. Tay replied: Skype me.
    Liv turned on her computer to find Tay’s sleepy face. With bed head and no makeup, Tay was beautiful. Liv felt a stab of envy.
    “Did you hear bout Kyle?” Tay asked. “Police found his backpack at the Fens.”
    “Oh, no! Does that mean…?”
    “No one knows what it means. Things he should have had—wallet, phone, tablet—were missing from the pack.”
    Liv grimaced. “Maybe they’re with the…the body.”
    “Let’s hope not,” Tay breathed.
    “So what about our videos and the concert? Are we still on for those?”
    “More than ever. We’ve got to jump to light-speed. The footage on Kyle is ready to go, and the episode with Ari is finished except for the hero part. We need you to call our hero.”
    “Cameron. His name’s Cameron. No,” Liv moaned. “I…I dunno. I guess I feel weird about it, like we’re twisting his arm or something.”
    “So? It’s all in a good cause. And besides, his picture was foxy. I want to meet him.” Tay purred. “Give me Cameron’s number. I’ll call him.”
    “All right.” Liv found her phone and read the stored number aloud. “Got that?”
    “Uh huh. One other thing: Can he stay at your house? We need him tonight and part of Saturday.”
    “There’s nowhere to park.”
    “Shizbah. That’s a problem.” Tay paused, then said, “I’ll talk to Chase. His condo

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