Finding Bliss

Free Finding Bliss by B L Bierley

Book: Finding Bliss by B L Bierley Read Free Book Online
Authors: B L Bierley
than her companion, a shy, modest girl among the revelers.
    What stood out most to Eric was the exact color of the
dark-haired woman’s dress. It was the brightest shade of red he’d seen in
months! When Crandall hinted that the ladies were the only pair left
un-attached for the weekend, Eric had no scruples whatsoever in extending his
arm to the less attractive woman in the red gown. This startled both women and
even more so the much-less-attractive Crandall.
    Crandall scoffed at Eric, saying his tastes must be
decidedly depraved if he would choose such a shapeless stick over a beauty.
Eric merely smiled over his shoulder as he escorted his choice toward the dance
    As it turned out the woman was surprisingly new to Hertfordshire.
Her name was Drusilla. Admitting to having been duped by a lover and having no
better prospects or options when her family died unexpectedly, she confessed
how she chose to attend with her cousin, a seasoned companion, to make up for
the loneliness of being a ruined spinster.
    Drusilla was not a working girl like Celeste, the girl in
the green gown, but simply a relation of the painted dove. Celeste brought her
along to attend the party in the hope of finding her a benefactor instead. But
Eric clearly saw her shudder when she hinted that crowds like the house party
were not above changing partners midway through the weekend if they so desired
according to her worldly cousin. Drusilla explained how she didn’t like the
idea of having to match up with unknown gentlemen.
    Eric told her simply that he held no expectations and wouldn’t
demand anything from her that she didn’t freely wish to give. This made her
laugh. Drusilla coyly reminded him that, in her current dire straits nothing
was free for her to give.
    Eric colored and asked how much trouble she would get into
if she didn’t manage to find a benefactor. She told him unless she could bring
in enough to cover her past-due lease she might be forced to submit to an
unsavory spate of partners in a brothel in order to make enough to avoid
debtor’s prison.
    Eric felt compassion for the woman. For Drusilla to suffer
for her circumstances didn’t sit well with him. In the back of his mind he felt
heavy guilt over what he was considering doing, especially when it was Lady
Bliss’s warning that led him to choose this particular woman. If she hadn’t
warned him, he likely would have just declined both women due to his lack of
funds for such entanglement.
    It wasn’t unheard of for men of his age and profession to
have a mistress. But Eric hadn’t the fortune of a wealthy father to support
such habits. Intending to help, he gave Drusilla every shilling he could spare.
    When Eric asked if it was enough to help her avoid
difficulties, Drusilla said it was more than enough. But then she refused the
money when she realized he wasn’t planning on being intimate for the price.
    “How is that fair to you? You’re posting the cole while I’m
the only one reaping a reward. Am I so repulsive you wouldn’t want a tumble
with me? Much as I like you, sir, I’m not so ugly that I require charity,”
Drusilla said, clearly disgruntled.
    “Oh, no! I didn’t mean to be disrespectful to your person. I
was just trying to be a decent fellow.” Eric blushed.
    “Well, sir, even decent fellows get a tickle now and then.
And really, you’re a young fellow in good health! Honestly, a gal could do a
lot worse than the likes of you.” Drusilla’s face looked prettier with her
teasing smile. Eric blushed and reminded her that he was a lowly medical
student without family funds to support a mistress. Drusilla waved off his
    “I’ll tell you what. Why don’t we just pretend it’s my
birthday? We can say that the money is just taking place of a gift since you
had no idea what to buy for me? Then we can find a place to be alone and enjoy
each other’s’ company for a weekend, okay?” Drusilla offered in a low seductive

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