Dead Rapunzel

Free Dead Rapunzel by Victoria Houston

Book: Dead Rapunzel by Victoria Houston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Houston
to be excused. I have Bruce Peters’s home number in my phone and I’d like to see if I can’t get him up here tomorrow. If not, I’ll have Roger run these butts down to him. The sooner I can get a good DNA sample, the better. Back in a sec.”
    Lew was back within two minutes. “Had to leave Bruce a voicemail. Told him I could use his help tomorrow if at all possible. Oh, and I promised Bruce some ice fishing, so I’m pretty sure we’ll hear from him. That work for you, Ray?”
    â€œYep,” said Ray. “Why . . . don’t we see . . . how the day . . . goes. Miss Judith, here, has probably never . . . ice fished . . . in her life. Have you?”
    â€œNo. I fly-fish,” said Judith. “No ice fishing. Why?”
    â€œWell, I’m thinking . . . you might like to join us . . . me and Mr. Peters.”
    â€œOh.” Judith looked taken aback but not unhappy at the thought. “But I don’t have the right clothes. Don’t I need warmer clothing like what you’re wearing?”
    Before anyone could answer her question, Judith said, “Wait, I almost forgot something that might get in the way of going fishing. While I was waiting for Chief Ferris to pick me up, I had a call from Philip’s daughter, Kenzie, who said her brother, Tim, is visiting this week before he leaves for two months in Bonaire, and she wants to have a family meeting at her home in the morning to plan some sort of memorial for Rudd.”
    â€œThe family wants to plan a memorial? How do you feel about that?” asked Osborne, remembering Sloane’s hostile response to Judith and the news of Rudd’s death.
    Judith tipped her head sideways and pressed her fingers against her eyelids before taking a deep breath and saying, “This isn’t kind of me, but those people . . . well, when I’m around them I feel like I’m in a roomful of spiders.”
    Lew stared at her. “Then don’t do it—especially if you’re not comfortable with those people.”
    â€œBelieve me, when they learn that I am the executor of Rudd’s will, there will be fireworks. It won’t be pleasant and I’m not sure I’m ready for that yet.”
    â€œI have a suggestion,” said Lew. “Let’s figure out a way for Doc and me to be there with you. Not only do I have to search your friend’s home before any family members can have access, but I need to speak with each one in private. I want to know where they were at the time that Rudd was hit and if they have any idea how and why this might have happened to their stepmother.
    â€œThe way I work, I like Doc to sit in on the interviews with me. He’s my backup in case something goes wrong when I’m taping: He takes good notes.” Lew grinned over at Osborne.
    â€œI see,” said Judith, her voice thoughtful. “What if I say that I’ve invited you to come in order to give the family all the details and see if they have questions for you, Chief Ferris? That opens it up for you to arrange the interviews and, maybe, deflect their attention from me. Frankly, I’ll feel better having you as my backup.” She gave a soft, sad smile.
    â€œWhat about me?” asked Ray. “Spiders make great bait.”
    â€œThat is not true,” said Lew.
    â€œSo? I tried. Seriously, if you want me there, let me know.”
    â€œI do want you there,” said Lew, “but outdoors. If you and Bruce can check any outer buildings as well as walk the Tomlinson property in case someone was stalking the victim, that would save me time. Doc will help me investigate Rudd’s house, which we’ll start first thing in the morning before taking a break to go with Judith to meet the family. Does that work for everyone?”
    â€œSorry to interrupt,” said their waitress, who had walked up just as Lew asked her question. “Does anyone want coffee? Dessert?” All

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