Hiding Away (Anchored Hearts #1.5)

Free Hiding Away (Anchored Hearts #1.5) by J.M. Witt

Book: Hiding Away (Anchored Hearts #1.5) by J.M. Witt Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.M. Witt
feeling, an intuition, that it was a boy, call me crazy.  I began sobbing uncontrollably and as I brought my hand out from between my legs, my suspicions were confirmed.  He wrapped his arms around me as I began screaming with all my might.
    ~ CALVIN ~
    I woke to her sobbing in her sleep.  Jane was in the fetal position and I watched for a split second, completely unsure of what to do.  Pulling her to me, I wrapped my arms around her and tried soothing her.  “Jane, it’s okay, you’re safe.”
    She let out a blood curdling scream, unlike anything I’d ever heard, and began defending herself.  Shaking her shoulders until she ceased her attack on me; she finally looked up, completely baffled. 
    “Jane?”  The fog began to lift from her eyes as she focused on my own.
    “I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to wake you.”
    She began checking over her body, as I watched, like she was looking for an injury.  What the hell was going on?  “Jane, you’re okay.  That was quite a nightmare.  Do you want to talk about it?”
    She looked to me as if determining if she could trust me.  Nodding her head she said, “I do, just not yet.  I’m not ready.”  The tears began flowing down her face again as she started to tremble. 
    Pulling her to me, she let me hold her close, as I tried to warm her up.  Tugging the blankets tight around us I soon realized she’d drifted back to sleep.  I laid there for at least an hour, thankful she was calm, but wondering what could have caused such a horrible nightmare.  I had a feeling I wouldn’t like the answer when she decided to open up to me. 
    I did know one thing for sure.  I was done.  Finished.  I was completely and utterly enraptured in this woman.  I was a crazy motherfucker to even think it so soon, but there was no denying it.  She’d completely ruined me for any other woman, and I had to keep it to myself…for now.  She was fragile.  She didn’t think I knew it, but I felt it in my soul like I could feel own my heartbeat.  She was broken, and I was going to put her pieces back together if it was the last thing I ever did.
    When I woke in the morning she wasn’t there, and my heart sank.  Suddenly the smell of bacon filled the air.  That’s what I’m talking about!   I threw on some sleep pants and made my way downstairs.  Jane, my baby doll, was standing in front of the stove in a t-shirt of mine that almost hit her knees.  She was so petite.  I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, bending down to rest my head on her shoulder.
    “You’re the guest.  Shouldn’t I be cooking for you?”
    Turning her head, she gave me a peck on the cheek.  “You can cook next time!  It’s almost done.  Grab a seat.”
    We didn’t talk about the elephant in the room and I wasn’t going to pry.  She seemed completely back to normal and maybe it was just a nightmare, nothing more serious than that.
    We ended up spending the day together which included a late lunch at her Aunt and Uncles house, James’s parents.  We were celebrating Cassidy’s birthday and my Dad and Lisa were there too.  The unrelenting teasing that went on between all of them was awesome, and not something I expected from wealthy people.  We all got along like one big happy family. 
    Once we left The Benedict’s, after Eva had collapsed, Jane filled me in on Eva’s cancer diagnosis.  I was in shock, she seemed so healthy.  Reflecting on the death of my mother, I spilled every nasty detail to Jane.  She was surprised and sorry.  I don’t know why I told her, but felt even closer to her once I did.  We stopped by her place so she could grab a few things and a car.
    When we got there, we discovered that her Mom and Dad had gone away for a few days, which is why they weren’t at the lunch.  Jane explained that her Dad traveled a lot so she didn’t see much of him, and when he was home, her parents usually spent their free time up north at their cottage. 

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