Presumption of Guilt

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Book: Presumption of Guilt by Terri Blackstock Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terri Blackstock
Tags: Ebook, book
don’t understand. Lisa’s still there. He told me the sins of the brothers are visited on the siblings. It’s in the Bible.”
    â€œThat’s not in the Bible, Jimmy. That’s something he made up.”
    â€œHe’ll still hurt Lisa if he thinks I ratted on him. He swore he would, and I know it’s true.”
    â€œJimmy, even if you did go back, don’t you know Bill’s going to go ballistic when he sees you after this botched-up break-in?”
    â€œHe hates mistakes,” he whispered, leaning back against the wall and clutching his head. “But at least he’ll go off on me and not Lisa. She didn’t do anything. She doesn’t even know about all the stuff Bill makes us do. I don’t want her to know.”
    â€œBut don’t you want Bill stopped? Wouldn’t it be great if he could get caught and arrested for what he’s done?”
    â€œNo!” he shouted. “ I’ll get arrested, too. Bill didn’t break into anybody’s house. I did. I’ll be the one they put in prison. Not him.”
    â€œJimmy, that’s all just a lie. He tells you that to keep you doing what he wants. He wants you to be afraid. But the truth is that they don’t put little kids in prison. How old are you, anyway? Eight, nine?”
    â€œI’m ten,” he said, insulted. “I’m just . . . short for my age.”
    â€œProbably why he chose you. You can fit into small places. But Jimmy, they don’t put ten-year-olds in prison. And if they stop Bill, they’ll put you and Lisa and all the other kids into a decent place—”
    â€œThat is a decent place,” he screamed. “Don’t you get it?”
    â€œJust because something is familiar, Jimmy, it doesn’t mean it’s good.”
    â€œIt doesn’t have to be good.”
    She rubbed her face, wondering what she should do. Call the police? Or Nick Hutchins? Go against this kid’s will and turn him in, or let him go back?
    He was afraid that he would go to prison, and she couldn’t blame him. Bill had probably pounded that threat into his brain.
    She took his arm and led him to the kitchen, picked up the phone, and started dialing.
    â€œWho are you calling?” he asked.
    â€œMy friend, Nick Hutchins. He’s a social worker. He’ll know what to do.”
    â€œNo!” The kid jerked away from her. “Are you crazy? No social workers! I’m tellin’ you, he’ll beat the daylights out of Lisa, just to get back at me.”
    â€œMaybe Nick can get your sister out of there.”
    â€œNick? The one who put us in there? No way! Lady, you’re gonna ruin everything!”
    â€œJimmy, I want you to call me Beth,” she said. “I’m going to help you.”
    Tears came to his eyes, and he swatted them away. Under his breath, Jimmy muttered, “I ain’t calling you nothing.”
    Beth heard what he said but ignored him. Of course he was angry. Of course he was afraid. So was she.
    She breathed a sigh of relief when Nick answered the phone. “Nick, I was wondering if you could come over. I need to see you.”
    At the other end of the line, Nick hesitated. “I could get there in a couple of hours or so. I’m kind of tied up right now.”
    â€œIt’s really important.” She glanced at the boy. “There’s something I need for you to see.”
    â€œWhat is it? You’re not going to keep me in suspense until I can get there, are you?”
    â€œI have to,” she said. “Nick, come as soon as you can.”
    â€œIs it the article? Have you finished it?”
    â€œNo,” she said. “I got a little sidetracked. I’m still working on it, though.”
    â€œAre you all right?”
    â€œYes. For now, yes.”
    She could almost hear the wheels turning in Nick’s head.
    â€œBeth, just hold tight. I’ll be there as soon as I can tie up

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