An Irresistible Impulse

Free An Irresistible Impulse by Barbara Delinsky

Book: An Irresistible Impulse by Barbara Delinsky Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Delinsky
Then she realized the truth of his words. His was the voice of reason, the small voice she’d ignored within herself. He was right; their timing was wrong. But, Lord help her, she wanted him to kiss her again.
    “Look,” he growled, “maybe we’d better forget that walk.”
    “No!” she exclaimed, then managed to lower her voice. “I do need a break. Fresh air. Something. If I sit here until dinner, I’ll only rehash the day in court, and I’ve got to get away from it….” It was only half the truth. If she sat there alone now, she’d also rehash the feelings she’d experienced in Ben’s arms. But he didn’t want to hear that .
    Dropping his hands from her shoulders, he stepped back. Then he rubbed the muscles at the back of his neck. “You’re not the only one…. Okay. Let’s go.”
    They walked in silence down two flights of stairs, through the large foyer, and out. Though the sun’s shadows were lengthening by the minute, the day was far from gone. Abby stood for a minute in the path of one golden streak, turned her face to its source,and breathed in deeply. It felt good to be outside; she should have done this the minute she’d returned. The air was invigorating, the sun’s rays warm. Relaxation was fully within her grasp.
    Opening her eyes, she saw Ben staring at her. “Sorry,” she murmured and trotted down the last step. Then, following his lead, she matched her stride to his. With the crisp grass of autumn whispering beneath their shoes, they slowly made a broad circle around the inn, finally coming to rest side by side against the base of an ancient oak. It was Ben who spoke first.
    “What were you writing when I interrupted you?” he asked, leaning back against the ridged bark and gazing lazily toward the leaves above.
    She pulled at a blade of grass and fingered it idly. “I was writing down what went on today. You know, witnesses and facts and dates and all. This was only the first day, and there’s so much to remember. What’s going to happen after ten or twelve days of testimony?”
    He chuckled. “We’ll either be very confused…or totally convinced.”
    “I suppose you’re right,” she mused. “But still, I feel better making notes at the end ofeach day. And since we can’t discuss the case with anyone, I suppose it’s like a diary.”
    “You sound like you should be the one writing a book….”
    She looked up to find him watching her closely. “Tell me about it, Ben. I think it’s a fascinating idea.”
    “ You may think so, but I’m not sure the others would agree if they knew what I was doing.”
    She recalled her comment about differentiating between research and reality. “They don’t have to know now, do they?”
    For the first time since he’d arrived at her room, Ben smiled. “Then I can count on you to keep my secret?”
    “Of course you can.” She turned to face him head on. “Did you really think I’d tell them to watch their words when you’re around?” She laughed softly. “I’m more curious to see if you can get them to open up…even without their knowing your ulterior motive.”
    “Oh, I’ll get them talking.”
    “You seem very sure.”
    “It’s the circumstances, Abby. There’s an initial wariness they feel toward each other, toward the trial itself. As time goes on, they’ll open up…to satisfy a very basic human need, if nothing else.”
    She reflected for a minute on the basic human need she felt and frowned in puzzlement. It was a basic feminine need, where Ben was concerned. But why now? Why here? Then she caught her breath as she realized she’d echoed the questions he’d asked earlier.
    “Tell me about yourself, Abby,” he asked now.
    He’d caught her at the moment she was vulnerable, when the door to her soul had been open. Looking away to hide her confusion, she shrugged. “What would you like to know?”
    “How long have you lived here?”
    “Three years. I moved up from New York.”

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