Hosker, G [Sword of Cartimandua 12] Roman Wall

Free Hosker, G [Sword of Cartimandua 12] Roman Wall by Griff Hosker

Book: Hosker, G [Sword of Cartimandua 12] Roman Wall by Griff Hosker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Griff Hosker
Britannia by the will of Emperor Domitian.”
    Julius took the letter and examined the seal.  “It looks authentic enough to me. This is where we could do with old Julius.  He has an eye for this sort of thing.”
    “It leaves me in a dilemma though.  The Votadini are hostile and they are north of the wall.”
    “But it is a matter of honour, Livius.  I know that you feel a sense of duty towards your uncle.  This will require some thought.”
    There was a sharp rap on the door and Julius put the letter and the ring back in the box. “We had better keep this between ourselves, Livius.” He closed the lid.  “Come!”
    Metellus and Rufius entered.  Rufius looked the worse for wear.  His face was now blackened from his fall and he had ridden nonstop from Morbium.
    “Sit down, Decurion.  You look ready to drop.”
    “I am tired, Legate, but I bring dire news.” He briefly told them what had occurred, minimising his own misfortunes and travails and concentrating on the key factors.
    “You have done well, Decurion Atrebeus. It is all that we expected. Well, Prefect, can you put this putative rebellion down with ten turmae?  It is all that we can spare.”
    “Then we will have to do so. Decurion Princeps, have the ala ready to ride first thing in the morning. We will leave four turmae here.”
    Rufius tried to rise.  Julius put his hand on his shoulder. “Where do you think you are going?”
    “I need to prepare for the morrow sir.”
    “No, Decurion.  You will be staying here and resting; for a day or two at least. You have done more than enough.”
    After they had gone Livius picked up the box. “This will have to wait.”
    “Perhaps not old friend. We both know the power of the name of the Sword of Cartimandua.  The royal regalia of the Iceni will be equally powerful.”
    “I am not sure about that.  Since the revolt they have been a subjugated tribe.”
    “We have a new governor.  If he has any sense he will make moves to bring the Iceni into the fold as allies rather than a subjugated people.  The return of the regalia costs us nothing and yet it might make that part of Britannia safe.”
    “You are the politician, Julius and not me.”
    He shrugged.  “We will talk more when you return.  Make sure that you take the ala along the valley of the Dunum.  There may be other parts which are rebellious but we know that there is a faction there now.”
    “You do not expect them to be at their camp do you, Legate?”
    “If they are then they are fools for they have kept this hidden from us so far.  Let us assume they know what they are doing.  Your patrol in strength is to let them know that we know.  Meanwhile I will arrange for the VI th Victrix to winter at Luguvalium. We may need them in the spring.  I will write to the Governor and to the commander at Eboracum. They were due there in the spring anyway.” He stared hard at Livius.  “Show them that we are in control.  Your ala has a reputation in that part of the world. Let us use it.”
    When the ala left the next morning poor Rufius felt as though he was letting down his comrades. His turma was left with the other turmae to patrol the wall and that would be a hard enough task.  Rufius, however, did not like leaving a job half done. He and Felix stood on the gate tower and watched as the column of men headed south.  They would reach the site of the camp by late afternoon. If the rebels were still there then they were in for rude surprise.
    “I never thanked you for saving my life, Felix.”
    The youth grinned, “It was Wolf who found you and he swam to save you. Besides I could not let one of Marcus’ Horse die.  You are the oathsworn of the Sword.”
    Rufius heard the tinge of sadness in the youth’s voice.  “You would like to be with the sword wouldn’t you?”
    “It will return and I will be happy.”
    Marcus and his turma were sent ahead of the main column to scout out the camp spotted by Rufius. He split them in

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