Caught by You

Free Caught by You by Jennifer Bernard

Book: Caught by You by Jennifer Bernard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Bernard
she called Ms. Griswold and outlined the situation.
    â€œYou say he’s sexy? That is, most objective observers would consider him such?”
    Ms. Griswold was definitely an odd sort of lawyer. “Off the charts.”
    â€œBut he’s known for his Vow of Celibacy? Is this an official vow, witnessed by a member of the clergy?”
    â€œI believe so.”
    â€œAnd you’ve slept together in the past?”
    â€œNo, it never went that far. We didn’t even get horizontal.”
    â€œThere was intimacy?”
    Man, she’d hate to be on the witness stand being interrogated by Ms. Griswold. “Yes. No one knew about it. Although the librarian gave us a funny look when we came out of the closet.”
    â€œIs there any chance this could become serious? I’m talking legal here. Marriage contract, pre-­nup, that sort of thing.”
    â€œGood God, no.”
    â€œToo bad. Now that scenario could have some potential.” The lawyer let out a huff of disappointment. “Here’s the thing. We’re talking risk versus benefit here. Risk of misinterpretation if you’re seen is high. No one’s going to believe that ‘vow’ crap. This isn’t the Middle Ages. On the other hand, the benefit of being with him is low.”
    â€œHow do you figure that?” From her perspective, she saw plenty of benefit in being with Mike. Being with him felt both new and familiar. She could talk to him as if they’d been friends forever, and yet he made her feel wide awake, as if she didn’t want to miss anything.
    â€œIf the vow is real, there’s no sex, right? Your reputation could be damaged, yet you get no sex to compensate for that.”
    Donna’s head was starting to spin. “Is this serious legal advice or are you pranking me?”
    â€œI don’t make the rules here. This is a lose-­lose situation. Stay away from him. That’s my official recommendation as your lawyer. Now, how’s the volunteering at the pet shelter going?”
    â€œHypocritically. Can’t I volunteer at a place closer to my heart? Something with kids or seniors? I’m great with kids and old ­people. Pet dander makes me sneeze.”
    â€œNo. Pet shelters are hot right now. Everyone’s doing it. Junior League’s all over it. Take my advice, that’s what I’m here for.”
    â€œI’m not exactly Junior League material.”
    â€œWe’re working on that, aren’t we? Now, do you have your outfit for the hearing tomorrow?”
    â€œSackcloth and ashes, check. Still trying to decide if I should shave my head.”
    â€œMouth, Donna. Watch that mouth.”
    Oh cripes, it was impossible. The process of de-­Donna-­fying herself was excruciating. But for Zack, she’d try her best.
    The hearing was supposed to set a visitation schedule pending the outcome of the case. The next day, she sat primly, hands folded in her lap, while Ms. Griswold argued for three visits a week to prepare Zack in case he went to live with Donna. Brilliantly, she managed to drop news of Donna’s new position at the dental office, her work with abandoned pets, and the football-­themed furniture that filled her apartment.
    On the other side of the courtroom, Bonita hung on Judge Quinn’s every word, taking notes as if she was in class. She wore her long black hair in a high ponytail that somehow managed to look superior. Even when Ms. Griswold spoke, she refused to look at Donna’s side of the courtroom, as if it would give her cooties. Harvey looked bored, his legs stretched out in front, crossed at the ankles, arms folded over his chest. Donna wondered what they saw in each other, since they seemed like complete opposites, the overachiever and the slacker. But maybe that was it. Bonita needed someone to boss, and Harvey needed someone to boss him.
    After hearing both sides, Judge Quinn ruled that Donna could see Zack two

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