Chance: Mating Fever (Bears of Kodiak Book 1)

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Book: Chance: Mating Fever (Bears of Kodiak Book 1) by Selene Charles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Selene Charles
had shown him who his true woman was, the second he looked into the dark eyes of his little girl, he felt the love blossom and grow into an unstoppable tide that consumed him completely.
    He would do anything for her. Be anything for her. She would never want for anything.
    “My little girl. My precious little girl,” he crooned as he reached for the squawking, little bundle of chubby legs and arms.
    Annalida’s smile was soft but tight as she handed the now-swaddled babe to him.
    Black, black eyes stared up at him, and though he knew she was probably as blind as any newborn cub, it was easy to pretend that her bright, clear gaze saw him and loved him right back.
    “I’m a father,” he whispered in awe.
    The queen stood, and dipping her head at them, she nodded. “Aye, that you are.”
    He frowned when he realized she looked as though she was ready to leave. “Going so soon?”
    Smoothing her hands down the front of her blood-stained gown, she nodded. “This is not a time for court politics or long, drawn-out conversations. My daughter needs to heal and rest, and your family needs time to bond. But in six weeks’ time, I shall return.”
    “To see your granddaughter?”
    Annalida said nothing as she gently, almost reverently, feathered her fingers along the babe’s chubby cheek.
    The child, who’d gone quiet, turned her face into her grandmother’s touch, making smacking noises with her lips.
    Smiling, Annalida murmured, “The wee one needs to feed.” Then stepping back, she dipped her head at him. Her every movement was regal and kept with her station.
    As she turned, the light of transformation surrounded her, and in seconds, she was a crow of such hypnotic beauty that Chance could hardly rip his eyes off her. Her feathers gleamed as though lit from the inside out by candlelight, but instead of being a rich black, they held a tint of amethyst and jade to them. With a cry of farewell, she flew unscathed through the flames in the chimney and up the stack to the freedom beyond.
    Little grunting, piglet noises snagged his attention, and for the first time, Chance felt fear. He was almost overwhelmed by the enormity of it all. He was a father.
    “Holy shit,” he mumbled, finally understanding just what that meant. He was solely responsible for a life. A little person, a child, would look to him for the rest of her long life for guidance.
    Bronwyn’s tender touch pulled him back from the panic threatening to swallow him. He leapt, startled by her touch.
    But she just laughed. The sound was a little weak and a little tired, but it sparkled the same as it always had.
    “You’re awake.”
    Her smile was soft. “Aye. I woke up some minutes ago. I heard what Mother said. I’m free, Chance. We’re free.” Her words were strained, and there were still purple circles under her eyes. But to him, she’d never looked more beautiful.
    She was his now. And he was hers. They were bound to each other in every conceivable way.
    “Bron.” His voice broke. “We did it.”
    She nodded. “Yes, we did.”
    He leaned in to kiss her, but the cries of a grunting, angry piglet intruded on their peaceful interlude.
    Leaning up on her elbow, Bronwyn opened her arms, silently asking for him to give her the baby. He reverently placed the little one into her mother’s loving arms. His heart almost burst at the joy that suffused every pore of his woman’s face as she smiled down at their child. He didn’t think he would ever get tired of saying that. Their child.
    When the piglet latched onto Bron’s nipple and began suckling, he couldn’t help but chuckle. “She is aware that she’ll be sharing those with me,” he mock grumped as he traced the soft, fine lines of his daughter’s chubby cheeks.
    “Not to worry, daddy. She’ll learn soon enough.” Grabbing hold of their daughter’s finger with her own, Bron looked up at him. “In six weeks’ time, Mother will perform the naming ceremony. It is custom among our kind to

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