Heven & Hell Anthology (Heven and Hell)

Free Heven & Hell Anthology (Heven and Hell) by Cambria Hebert

Book: Heven & Hell Anthology (Heven and Hell) by Cambria Hebert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cambria Hebert
getting wayyy to close to my boyfriend.
    “You’re saying you had something to do with Heven’s face?”
    “Surgery wouldn’t have fixed what was wrong with her face.”
    “Then how could you have?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.
    She lifted one of her hands in front of her and wiggled her fingers at me. It was creepy. She had creepy fingers. I felt a change in the air around me and looked down at my feet. The dirt disappeared; the chipped, dull polish faded away, replaced by a glossy bright red. Rhinestones finished off my two big toes and they sparkled in the light. My skin glowed like it usually did right after a really good pedi.
    I looked up. “How did you do that?”
    The woman merely smiled and wiggled her fingers even more. My black ensemble was replaced with a wicked-looking red “bandage” dress. It was basically this totally chic, silk material that looked like a wide ace bandage that had wrapped itself around my body, fitting against every curve perfectly. The black knit hat on my head was replaced with an updo of perfectly formed, shiny red curls.
    “Are you my fairy godmother?” I asked, looking down at my appearance. I looked totally hot.
    “I’m not a fairy. Fairies are weak.”
    Ooookay. “Then what are you?”
    “I’m a witch.”
    “A witch?” I asked skeptically. Was this lady off her rocker? I shifted and caught a glance at myself in the mirror across my room. Someone who could make me look this good in five seconds or less wasn’t crazy. Maybe she was a witch. “Is Heven a witch too?”
    “She wanted to be. But then she stole something of mine.”
    Heven stole something? That didn’t sound like her at all. She wouldn’t even buy a paper off the internet. “She stole something from you?” The disbelief in my voice was clear.
    “Didn’t she just take from you?”
    Touché. “Yeah, she did.” Every time I thought of Cole, my chest began to hurt.
    “I have a proposition for you,” the woman said.
    I lifted a perfectly arched brow.
    “I’ll give you the powers I planned on giving her, if you get back what she’s taken from me.”
    “What powers?”
    “Powers to have anything you want. To take whatever you want. You’ll have it all. Beauty, popularity—”
    I cut her off. “I already have all that.”
    “You’ll have the power to take back Cole, to make her pay for everything she’s done.”
    I considered her words. “So I would be a witch?”
    “Will I be able to do what you just did?”
    “If you wish.”
    “And all I have to do is get whatever she stole from you back?”
    “Yes, bring it to me.”
    “What is it?”
    “It’s a piece of paper. She carries it in a bronze tube. You’ll know it when you see it.”
    A lousy piece of paper? Please. If I was going to steal something, it would be better than that. I sniffed. “If you’re so powerful, how come you just don’t go get it yourself?”
    My words caused her to bristle. “I need someone she trusts, someone she knows to get it back. She’s hidden it from me.”
    “So, all I need to do is get this paper from Heven, give it to you and then you’ll make me a witch?”
    The woman smiled, her blood-red lips parting to reveal white teeth. “Precisely.”
    “How do I know you won’t change your mind about my powers when I give you what you want?”
    I watched as she reached into the folds of her cloak and pulled out a vial. It fit in the palm of her hand and was shaped like a mini wine bottle stoppered with a cork. The glass was dark green and I could see the liquid move around inside it as she held it out. “Take this; it’s a guarantee of what I promise.”
    I didn’t reach out to take it, but stared at it instead. “What is it?”
    “It’s a potion to develop your powers. Take a drop a day, a single drop. It will enhance

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