Pioneer Passion

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Book: Pioneer Passion by Therese Kramer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Therese Kramer
Tags: Romance, love, cattle
designed with a boy in
mind, but to her it was beautiful. A moment later a light tap on
the door gave her a little warning to compose herself. Wiping her
teary eyes with her damp sleeve, and sucking in a deep breath she
remembered to cross her arms to hold together the opened shirt.
Still angry with what Guy had done, Rusty felt her vexation ebb
somewhat when she had walked into the beautiful and spacious room.
This bitterness was tearing away at her guts and she had become a
stranger to herself so she had to calm her frazzled emotions as
best she could. This wouldn’t be easy but she would try and act
civil, if only for her own peace of mind. Knowing full well who it
was she said, in a sing-song-voice, “Who is it?” She heard the
snort and soberly said, “Come in.”
    Guy gazed sheepishly around the room and
raised his shoulders as if he was trying again to apologize to her
for the décor. “I really like it. Besides, I’m not one for frilly
things, I confess.” The cowboy looked so serious and perplexed; she
could see he was in no mood to have his disposition sweetened by
anything she had to say. So she placed her hands out to receive the
dry clothes.
    “You’re still angry?” he murmured.
    Rusty knew it was both a question and
statement. “I’m not,” she contradicted, and she was rather pleased
with herself how positively sunny she sounded. “And, thank you for
these,” she grinned and placed the clothing on the bed. Still
slightly upset over her home but with the masquerade over, and his
kiss that made her heart explode, she was none the less elated.
That handsome cowboy had awakened new life in her soul even though
he took her heart as well as her home. But it wasn’t so bad she
admitted to herself because she now liked the idea of living in
this luxurious house.
    Yes, it wasn’t too bad after all.
    Rusty, feeling a bit foolish for her childish
behavior gifted Guy with another smile. “Guy, I’m sorry for the way
I acted,” she apologized, and then noticed where his gaze had
settled. Her breath lodged in her throat realizing when she took
the clothes, she had unfolded her arms, forgetting that her shirt
was undone. Her face stung as she became self-conscious of his hard
    Guy had eyed her dubiously when he handed the
articles to her. This turning about of emotions made him a bit on
edge and he wondered what the little minx was up to. Her smooth
voice danced around his head and his eyes drank in her beauty once
more. Again, lost for words, he nodded and left, filled with
turmoil. He would have given her anything when she smiled at him
that way. Never had any female caused him to feel so rattled,
throwing his reason into a tailspin. He knew that, that night, he’d
lay awake for a long time trying to figure out how the young girl
could be a wild brat one minute and a sweet angel the next?
    Who, indeed, was going to have the last word
around here? he asked himself. And who indeed acted like the

Chapter Ten
    After Guy left, Rusty peeled off her wet
things and removed the constricting cloth from around her bosom,
glad to be rid of it once and for all. Her breasts were cold from
the wet rag and she snugly clutched her arms to warm herself,
stirring memories of Guy’s embrace and kiss. Staring listlessly
into space, she realized that not only had she shed her boy’s
attire, but was thinking more as a female now. She couldn’t
comprehend why he kissed her only once and then let her go so
abruptly. The quick separation had left her empty, wishing for
more. Maybe she had only herself to blame, acting like such a
child. But what choice had she, never having the chance to be
around females her own age? How does a girl her age act around men?
Maybe it was time to learn and grow up. Once again, she could have
used her mother’s advice.
    Rusty shuddered to think he wasn’t attracted
to her, because of her innocence. But recalling his kiss, surely
she could get him to kiss her again. That

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