Pioneer Passion

Free Pioneer Passion by Therese Kramer

Book: Pioneer Passion by Therese Kramer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Therese Kramer
Tags: Romance, love, cattle
to feel his hard form against hers again
recalling the poignant electricity that leaped from their bodies.
It had made her tremble with anticipation.
    Instinctively, Rusty moved backwards wishing
to flee. Her heart palpitated against her ribs, her breasts
throbbed under the lose wrappings. A strange disturbance grew deep
in her loins smelling a strong manly scent of sweat and tobacco.
She fought to keep from swooning and stopped moving. But the cowboy
moved closer until she felt his breath fused with hers causing her
heart to race. She skimmed her dry mouth with her tongue and her
legs began to liquefy. Her eyes grew misty and he shook his head
sadly that told her that he was sorry that he had frightened
    “You look like a helpless fawn, nothing like
the hellcat I had fought with minutes ago. I wish that I can
promise you no more pain,” his voice sounded apologetic. “I
understand why you hid your sex from me but you shouldn’t have been
left alone. Why did you let me think you were a boy?” He spoke to
her in a low voice, keeping it taut with strained control.
    “Pa felt it was safer for me to pass as a
boy. I was left alone many days when he and Scott went into town.
At first they took short trips, but later pa went mining with high
hopes of striking it rich. He stayed away longer and longer, then
Scott lost all interest in this place.” Guy didn’t hide his
disgusted frown and she knew that it wasn’t meant for her and she
blinked, trying to hold back a tear, but it escaped of its own
    She noticed how cold and clammy her wet
things made her feel and hugged herself, trying to ward off the
chill and emptiness that engulfed her. But she couldn’t control her
trembling that was only because of her wet clothes but mostly
because the strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. Too confused
to make any sense of all of this, Rusty snorted, “Ah jeeze, maybe
not, but no one really came around to bother me. A drifter now and
then, but I can take care of myself,” she jutted her chin jutting
out with pride. “And stop talking down to me as if I were a
    “You’re definitely not a child!” he
    Her breathing quickened and she squeezed her
eyes shut and readied herself for her punishment; he obliged by
crashing his mouth over hers. Though expecting and wanting it, she
froze with dizziness, startled, completely flustered by her first
real kiss. Although she was reeling as passion ignited her mind was
filled with questions. Would he stop with just a kiss? Would she
stop him after one kiss? Did he think she kissed well? Her mind
reeled. God Almighty! What’s going on? What’s happening?
    When Guy’s kiss deepened and his tongue
snaked around hers, Rusty no longer cared who thought what. In
fact, she didn’t want to think at all. She wrapped her limp arms
around his neck, returning his kiss with matching fever; their
tongues, slashing one another like dueling swords. A whimper of
desire escaped from her lips and she liked the feel of him against
her, making her warm and safe. Then he released her as quickly as
he had grabbed her and she tumbled back. Disappointment twisted her
mouth into a pout making her wonder what she had done wrong.
Swallowing a strangled scream, her confused mind believed he was
repulsed by her wanton behavior. Befuddled, she could only stare
with mixed feelings.
    Rusty’s wet clean aroma with a hint of musk
caused Guy’s nostrils to flare. Blood charged through his body at a
frantic pace making his pants tighten around his crotch. But he
didn’t plan to let one kiss turn into something they’d both be
sorry for later. He wanted more than anything to make passionate
love to this captivating creature who stirred forbidden desires,
but he would have hated himself for taking advantage of her
innocence. He had known many women but he kept his distance from
virgins. Anyway, his gut told him this girl was trouble.
    Who was he kidding? And when had he become
such a

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