Rout of the Dem-Shyr (The Ascendant Series)

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Book: Rout of the Dem-Shyr (The Ascendant Series) by Raine Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raine Thomas
Tags: FICTION / Romance / Science Fiction
event wore on.
    Where would you like to begin? he asked as all eyes turned to them.
    Do you see Avana or my Kyndred?
    His gaze swept the room. Frowning, he realized Kyr’s friends weren’t there. Nor were the Guardians. In fact, all he saw as he looked around the room were males.
    Single Vawn males.
    He amended that thought as JuwalDane separated herself from a group and made her way over to them. There was obviously at least one other female in the room. But he suspected that she wasn’t there to celebrate Kyr’s Day of Life.
    She was there to pair Kyr with the Faire-Amanti.

    Chapter 11
    Kyr picked up Ty’s thought as Juwal approached. She wanted him to be wrong, but she knew in her heart that he wasn’t.
    “Hello, Ma’jah Kyr,” Juwal said when she reached them. “It’s a pleasure to see you, as always. A happy Day of Life to you.”
    “Thank you.”
    A moment of awkward silence followed. Kyr couldn’t help but notice Juwal’s captivating blue-green eyes brushing over Ty, who looked sexy as hell in his formal black and silver tunic. Whereas before Kyr had only suspected that Juwal was interested in Ty in more than a friendly way, now her growing abilities allowed her to interpret the female Mynder’s feelings.
    There was no doubt about it. Juwal wanted Ty. Unless Kyr staked her claim soon, things wouldn’t be pretty.
    “Have the Guardians arrived yet?” Kyr asked.
    The words came out more abruptly than she’d intended, causing several curious stares. She didn’t care. There was no more time to put things off. She had to speak with her parents now .
    Juwal’s brows drew together. “The Guardians? They won’t be here, Ma’jah.”
    Kyr’s heart dropped. “What?”
    “Guardian Shaya is still not up to such a public affair, I’m afraid. Her amanti wished to remain by her side.”
    Kyr took a moment to process the fact that her parents weren’t going to be attending her own Day of Life celebration and hadn’t bothered to mention it to her. Not only that, but they had turned it into a spectacle for her to be ogled by every available Vawn male in the area.
    Pain slashed at her. Ty gave her another reassuring squeeze, which helped her collect herself.
    “I see,” she finally said. “It won’t be the same without them.”
    Juwal smiled. “Well, at least it won’t be a total loss. Guardian Shaya had the wonderful idea of using this as an opportunity for me to find your match.”
    Kyr knew the pain she felt this time wasn’t only her own. She couldn’t imagine how hard it must be for Ty to see her dressed like this and paraded in front of all of these males. Surely he felt the undercurrent of longing rolling through the room, too. Even though every unmatched male was supposed to be under a state of repression, Kyr knew that lust didn’t always have to do with sex. Sometimes, power and the thirst for it was enough to drive men to dark emotions. Besides, even the state of sexual repression was questionable these days.
    “I’d rather not turn my Day of Life celebration into a matchmaking session,” Kyr said, forcing herself not to start wringing her hands. “I had hoped to spend time with those closest to me. I hardly recognize anyone in this room.”
    “Fear not, Ma’jah,” Juwal said with a wave of her hand. “This is the perfect opportunity for you to meet some of the males the Guardians have approved. I doubt it will take me much time at all to use my abilities to find your match.”
    Kyr’s stomach pitched. The scent of flowers and food suddenly nauseated her. There was no way she could do this.
    “It’s really a very simple matter,” Juwal continued. “I’ll use my abilities while you’re interacting with everyone. I can sense the power of a connection between two people. The more I open my abilities, the easier it is for me to see the compatibility. I’ll know when you’re interacting with the right match. Trust me.”
    That was more troubling than reassuring. What

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