Inside Out

Free Inside Out by Mandy Hollis

Book: Inside Out by Mandy Hollis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mandy Hollis
age. I don’t want to think about getting old.”
    Jude leaned forward, pressing his moist lips against my forehead. “Sam, you’ll be just as beautiful then as you are now, wrinkles and all.” I could still feel the tingling sensation on my skin even after he pulled his lips away. He was singing all the right words to serenade my heart. “Now, let’s get dressed and have a look at that room. My only request in return for the space is that you paint something just for me.”
    “Hey, you didn’t say there were any stipulations to having this room. Especially when you’re the one who insisted I use it. Who says I’m ready to let you see my work?”
    “Doesn’t have to be now, Samantha, I just would love to have an image that you created for me. Please?” He batted his eyelashes and pressed his palms together into a begging position.
    “All right, all right. Quit your begging.” I grinned and dabbed a towel across my legs. “I forgot to mention how clean your house is, for a man and all.”
    He raised his eyebrows into an amused expression. “Uh, thanks, I guess. I try. Glad my tidiness impressed you.” His lips formed a straight line. “You’re pretty observant, for a woman.” He winked and grabbed my towel, spinning me around to dry the water from my back.
    “You’re so clever.” I slipped one of his gray t-shirts over my head, examining myself in the mirror as I did so. I inhaled, smelling a mixture of fabric softener and his cologne that hadn’t faded away since the last wash. I turned to see Jude waiting for me in the doorway, staring at me as I admired his shirt.
    “You look lovely. Come on, gorgeous.” He extended his hand to me; I placed my tiny hand into his palm. “I really think you’re going to love this.” He spoke with enthusiasm as he pulled open the door to the room. His smile widened when he saw the look of awe on my face. It was perfect. The walls were all bright white, except the largest wall that set near a window; it was a dull red that stood out remarkably. Only one picture hung on the wall, it was a tastefully painted woman who wore only sheer sheet draped across her legs. The dark shadows camouflaged her body, allowing you to only see her silhouette. I ran my fingertips across the painting, admiring the work. I moved onto to a tiny wooden desk that seemed to have been recently sanded down and stained. It was a gorgeous addition to the room. I felt as if I would lose my breath. This was now mine, a place to go and wash away all my worries.
    “Thank you, Jude.” I murmured. “This is amazing.”
    “It suits you. This whole room just has a feel that reminds me of you. It’s yours. I’ll give you a key to it.”
    I smiled and walked over to wrap my arms around his waist. “I don’t need a key, Jude. You’re welcome in here anytime you want. Let me grab my stuff.” I skipped off towards my bedroom to gather a few of my art supplies. I ran back in with an arm full of paint, paint brushes, and an easel. Jude sat on the edge of the desk, wearing a smile, and a look of contentment.
    “Here, I’ll set up the easel. Where do you want it?”
    I searched the room over. “Right by the window.” I ran over and pulled the curtains back, allowing the light to seep into the room. I pulled the desk chair over, positioning it in front of the easel. I sat down and held the brush in my hand. Just the peacefulness of the room was inspirational. I stared at the beautiful man leaning up against the wall who was responsible for giving me feelings of such joy. He had thrown on a white button up shirt, baring his chest. I wanted to reach out and touch him, run my hands down his body. The sensation in my body was incredible when I felt his skin beneath my fingertips.
    “Would you paint me something?” Jude pleaded with me.
    I considered this for a moment, before accepting. I’d never allowed anyone to watch me paint before, it was sort of a killed the mood with a set of eyes gawking at

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