Dirty Billions: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance: (A Chicago Suits Second Chance Romance)

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Book: Dirty Billions: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance: (A Chicago Suits Second Chance Romance) by Simone Sowood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simone Sowood
    “Sorry cuties, another time,” Sam said.
    “Here, take our numbers at least.” Marla snapped a photo of her twin’s screen with his number showing and we took off.

    * * *
    W e ended up back at Marla’s, since, after Abbie, she lived the nearest to the city center. Her condo always floored me, like I’d walked straight into the pages of a home magazine.
    It reflected how perfectly in control she was. Even though she couldn’t see how sometimes she needed to loosen that self control and take some risks.
    I doubt she’d ever would though, she was too concerned with not opening herself to the kind of stupid risks and actions she thought Abbie took. She put Abbie in the lovable basket case category and saw herself as the polar opposite. At some point she was going to have to realize there’s a happy middle ground.
    “Don’t worry honey, Jay will make sure she’s taken care of,” Sam said, putting her arms around me and hugging me for the zillionth time since we left the club. I forced a smile to try and relax her. I didn’t need her worrying about me at a time like this, our thoughts should have been focused on Abbie.
    “She’s right sweetie, it doesn’t serve any purpose to have us fretting about her here, where there’s nothing we can do anyway.” I couldn’t believe Marla said that. She was probably still annoyed I pulled her face off that twin.
    “Excuse me for ruining your little night of fun with twin boy,” I snapped at her.
    “Okay ladies, enough.” Sam positioned herself between us and gave us each a little playful slap. “It’s been a crazy few weeks, and too much booze and drama tonight. All we can do now is wait and see how things turn out.”
    “I hope Abbie doesn’t get mad with me for letting Jay take her home instead of me.”
    “She won’t,” Sam said.
    “How would you know that?”
    “I was there when the blow up happened at work, remember. She might not have seen it, but it was pretty damn obvious to me that she loves him.”
    Marla made a scoffing noise and we both looked at her.
    “It’s fine Jenny, stop stressing about things you can’t change,” Marla quickly said.
    I forced a smile at her and said, “You’re probably right.’
    “Who wants a drink? Wine, beer, tea? Sorry, I don’t have any tequila.” The mention of tequila made me think of the phallic bottle Collin had given me and I blushed at the memory.
    “Tea is good, I think we’ve all had enough to drink tonight,” I said.

    “ B lake , you stupid asshole, you need to do a better fucking job at keeping that shit out of my club.” I tried to control my voice, but it felt so good to vent. I’d already unleashed a long, verbal attack of Blake, each word relaxing me a little bit more.
    The hulk of a man sat in the middle of my office sofa, warping it. I didn’t care how big he was, I paid him to keep control of that type of troublemaking scumbag in my clubs, and his failure had resulted in Jenny’s friend getting hurt.
    I kicked at the sofa’s leg.
    “Come on man, he couldn’t tell,” Daniel said.
    “Stop defending him.”
    “Of course I’m going to defend him, he hasn’t done anything but cover your ass for the past three years.”
    My eyes flared at Daniel. I knew he was right, but right didn’t matter right now. We both turned our heads to Blake, who was sitting looking at his meatball hands.
    “You put him on the banned list?”
    “Yes, sir.”
    “Enough with the sir bullshit.”
    Blake angled his face to mine and gritted his teeth. Even sitting, he wasn’t far off my eye level. “Yes, Collin.”
    “Sorry, man. Daniel’s right. It wasn’t you, I was just blowing off steam.”
    “Why don’t you go blow it off in the person it’s directed at,” Daniel said.
    “What the fuck does that mean?”
    “I mean go fuck your ex-girlfriend,” Daniel said, his voice strained.
    The corner of Blake’s mouth quivered, a rare movement on his normally stony face-.
    I glanced

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