
Free Ruthless by Shelia M. Goss

Book: Ruthless by Shelia M. Goss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelia M. Goss
want to leave for today, you can. But I want to see you here around seven thirty in the morning, instead of eight.”
    â€œThanks, Mr. King.”
    Trisha connected the call. David took a quick sip from his drink, then said, “Hello, Sheba. How are you?”
    â€œI would be doing much better if my husband was here with me,” she responded.
    Sheba’s voice sounded like an angel’s from the other end, an upset angel’s, but her voice was sweet nevertheless, David thought. “I thought the flowers would help smooth things over, but I take it those didn’t work.”
    â€œI’m not one of your little floozies. You can’t buy my affection.”
    â€œThat’s why I like you. You’re cut from a different cloth.”
    â€œAnd another thing, if you think trying to buy my sister’s affection is going to help you get closer to me, you have another thing coming.”
    David swiveled his chair around. “What do you mean?” He hoped Delilah hadn’t betrayed him and told Sheba his plans. If so, she would regret it.
    â€œShe told me you are paying her hospital bills. Although it’s generous of you, it’s not necessary. I will make sure her hospital bills get paid.”
    David laughed. “Let’s get real. Her bill is already in the thousands. I’m paying Uriah good money, but I doubt very seriously he wants his entire year’s salary going to paying for your sister’s medical bills.”
    â€œWhat Uriah and I do with our money is our business.”
    â€œCalm down, Sheba. I only did it because I wanted to release the pressure for Uriah. I would do it for any of my employees.”
    There was a long pause on the other end of the phone. Finally, Sheba broke the silence. “Sorry for going off on you like that. Thank you. I appreciate what you’re doing for Delilah.”
    David wanted to rub her nose in it, but he had to handle her delicately to get what he wanted. “You’re welcome. If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to call me. In fact, let me give you my private number so you can call me direct.”
    â€œI don’t want your number.”
    â€œWhat if you need to reach Uriah and can’t? I can always reach him.”
    Sheba paused, as if she was thinking about what David had said. “Give it to me. But wait. I need to find some paper to write it down on.”
    David recited his personal cell phone number and home number. Their call ended afterward. David saw another trip to Shreveport on the horizon. He went online and looked up the phone number of the hospital where Delilah was staying. He called the hospital and asked to be transferred to Delilah’s room. Once she was on the line, he said, “For a moment, I thought you had given me up to your sister. That was a good move, telling her about my generosity.”
    â€œI had to tell her something because her nosy behind read my chart. She knew I no longer had insurance.”
    â€œI’m in a generous mood. What’s your bank account number? I want to make you a quick deposit.”
    â€œDavid, as I told you before, I’m not for sale.”
    â€œThen why did you agree to help me?”
    â€œI don’t care too much for my brother-in-law, and he doesn’t exactly like me, so why not?”
    She had a point. Fortunately for David, Uriah and Delilah’s newfound relationship was off to a rocky start. “Delilah, I think I like you.”
    â€œMost men do.”
    David laughed. “You’re something else. I still need your information. When you get out of the hospital, you’re going to need money to live on, so consider this a friend helping out another friend.”
    â€œI must be doing something right, with rich friends like you.” Delilah laughed.
    David ended their call. He said out loud to himself, “And knowing a woman like you will help me get the woman I want.”

Chapter 15

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