My Alien Prince: Claimed by the Atrexu (SciFi BBW Alien Romance)

Free My Alien Prince: Claimed by the Atrexu (SciFi BBW Alien Romance) by Calista Skye

Book: My Alien Prince: Claimed by the Atrexu (SciFi BBW Alien Romance) by Calista Skye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Calista Skye
Tags: alien romance
“She has good mental strength. This situation didn't shake her up too badly, even though it must all be a new experience. I think she must be of noble blood.”
    Ar'Ric nodded. “She's very mysterious. She knows more than she's saying. And she intends to discover our planets and send 'conquistadors' and 'measles'. No doubt those are diplomats and traders specializing in alien commerce. Her civilization is plainly much more sophisticated than we suspected. It would be well for us to ally ourselves with their world. And what better way to do that than an alliance cemented by a royal marriage?”
    Ber'Ain stiffened in his seat but didn't turn around or enter the conversation.
    “You still see a potential princess in her?”
    “More than ever. She answered our questions with great confidence. And, I think, with truth, as her code of honor certainly dictates. Yes, she will be a fine princess for the Empire. And her curvy shape is ideal for the purposes that we have discussed before. Indeed, she's rounder and softer than I'd ever dared hope. I think you're right, Ev'Ax. With her an Imperial Princess, the fashion is certain to turn in our favor and allow women to take any shape they wish. They will be happier, and our males will also be able to find a physical type they like. No longer are we limited to skeletal embroidery fanatics! It will be a new age for our empire, a glorious golden age. If she wants to marry me, that is. How does one court an Earth female?”
    “Well, I don't know! I hadn't seen one until today. Surely they like the same things that Atrexu women enjoy, like serenading, poem writing, jumping from cliff to cliff to demonstrate your agility, gazing into one another's eyes, a display of your child-rearing qualities using puppies or other people's kids... I mean, if you would just tell her who you really are, then very little courting would be necessary, I think. She'd certainly be willing to marry a Crown Prince.”
    “Yes... The deception is not to my liking, but I find it important to let her like or dislike me for who I am, not for my station in life. We'll see. I will reveal my true identity when the time is right.”
    Ev'Ax was silent for a moment. “I wonder, how do you feel about her warrior calling?”
    The prince sighed. “Yes... Ev'Ax, in truth, it does worry me. I'm not sure a warrior is my ideal wife. A marriage should be between two people who complete each other. When it comes to warfare, I'm not sure I need much completion. It would be like marrying another soldier. It could work, I suppose, but I'm around soldiers at almost all times. I'd rather have a non-warrior to come home to after battles, a woman with more feminine qualities. I'm happy that she doesn't do embroidery, but I do wish she had some other occupation, something more... useful.” 

    W ith a trained eye, Emily quickly assessed the state of the alien toilet. To her relief it had turned out to be a recognizable device that worked just about the same way as the ones she was used to, and her professional scan didn't show any uncleanliness.
    She took some time to think. The aliens seemed harmless enough. And Ar'Ric, who was obviously the boss, did something to her, something she had never felt before. There was a certainty about him, a confidence that seemed to stem from something deep inside him. As if he had more power than he knew what to do with, but still retained so much decency that he would never abuse it.
    They could easily have dumped her into space, she realized, because stowaways didn't have any rights. No one would have known. It would have no consequences for them. And still, she felt that it had never crossed their minds. Except maybe one of them, the pilot, who had only looked at her without any expression on his face, except something that looked to her like a sneer. Well, maybe it had really been a happy, welcoming smile. They were aliens, after all.
    But not so alien that Ar'Ric didn't have a serious

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