Single Elimination: A Cozy Mystery (Brenna Battle Book 4)

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Book: Single Elimination: A Cozy Mystery (Brenna Battle Book 4) by Laney Monday Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laney Monday
Tags: cozy mystery
pulled back and said, “So why was he here? Trying to get her back?”
    I turned away so he couldn’t read my face. Was Jake trying to get back with Blythe? Or was he trying to get back in my good graces? Or just mess with us? But that was the thing. Jake didn’t really do that. Mess with people just to mess with them. That wasn’t his style.
    “I don’t know,” I said. I caught a look at Will out of the corner of my eye. He looked a little perplexed. He sensed something was up.
    “Why did they split up?”
    “He left her for a younger woman.”
    Will raised his eyebrows. “Blythe’s not exactly old.”
    “A younger, ditzier woman.”
    Will nodded knowingly. “Ah. One of those.” He pulled me close again. “Just in case you were worried—I’m not into those.”
    “I know.”
    Then what is it? He looked like he was about to say it. But he let it go. He let me go. “I’d better check on the grill.” He went out the side door, and I didn’t know whether to feel relieved or absolutely awful.

    Blythe stopped mopping the mat and bit her lip. “Okay. You’re right. Will and the rest of Bonney Bay PD needs your help, whether they can say it or not. And I don’t want to do the snooping myself, so…”
    I put down the sprayer I was using to douse the mats with disinfectant while Blythe mopped after me, a typical morning ritual for us as we strove to protect our Battlers from awful rashes and other infectious nastiness. I hugged her tight. “Thanks, Bly. I owe you.”
    It was settled. After camp, I was going over to Herbert Random’s campaign headquarters to sign up. I’d been doing a lot of thinking about which direction to go with my sleuthing, and I’d decided I needed more of an inside look at the dynamics of this mayoral election. The best way to get more involved in the election was to join one of the campaigns. And the only campaign I could support in good conscience was Herbert Random’s. As an added bonus, it should make Harvey very happy, since Random supported the idea of exempting Reiner House’s sidewalks from the planned widening. No, it wouldn’t remove Gunter Hatton from the race, but at least I’d be doing something to support him.

    About a hundred red, white, and blue signs bearing a smiling image of Herbert Random covered the neatly manicured lawn. A newly printed banner hung between the pale periwinkle pillars, which flanked the front steps:
    Welcome to the Herbert Random campaign. Honesty, integrity, good-old-fashioned common sense for good old Bonney Bay.
    The slogan would probably appeal to the many retirees in Bonney Bay, but would it draw enough of the younger voters? Well, I was a younger voter and I liked the message, but I’d never been into “hip.” Never really followed fads. And flashiness didn’t speak to me at all. The retirees of Bonney Bay weren’t a monolithic group either. They ranged from retired military and successful business people, to old money, to art and nature lovers escaping the bustle of Seattle or other big cities to settle somewhere quaint and picturesque. Not to mention the old-timers, the families who’d been here for generations.
    Gunter Hatton was a businessman and an artist. He had the potential for real bridge appeal. And Jessie Pakowski had that no-common-sense feel-good thing going for her. And maybe it was just me, but it seemed like common sense was eroding and feel-good was a winner for more and more people.
    I rang the bell, and a young woman answered the door. She had a sweet smile, so genuine that her overbite only added to her prettiness. Her dark blond, shoulder length hair was secured with a headband, and she wore a light cardigan and dressy jeans.
    “Hello! Welcome to the campaign headquarters of Herbert Random.”
    “Hi. I’m Brenna Battle. I’m here to help with the campaign.”
    “Really? That’s wonderful! What made you decide to join us?”
    “Something Mr. Random said at the salmon bake. He has good sense, and

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