Hunting The Alpha Wolf (Dark Paranormal Romance (Erotic Horror, Erotika))

Free Hunting The Alpha Wolf (Dark Paranormal Romance (Erotic Horror, Erotika)) by Emily Dante Page B

Book: Hunting The Alpha Wolf (Dark Paranormal Romance (Erotic Horror, Erotika)) by Emily Dante Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Dante
inside her, filling her, and as she felt it's heat she orgasmed.
Leaning back, running her hands through her hair, eyes closed she cried out in 
passion as she dragged every second of pleasure from him.
    Constantine lay back
seeing this wonderful sexy creature writhing above him. His eyes drank in the
sight of her breasts, slick with sweat and cum, her face shiny as she climaxed
a second time.
    He realised at that
moment that he had to protect her from his unnatural world. That he had to look
after her, and that he had to make sure that she came to no harm from the world
that she had been dragged into.
    Sara kissed him again
and moved off him, leaving a delicious sensation of warmth behind her. She lay
beside him, her head resting on his shoulders, her hand running along his
muscled chest as she idly stroked his pubic hair and caressed his warm wet
    Sara said nothing,
feeling closer to this man that she'd only known for less than 24 hours than
she had to anyone else in her life.
    Her head resting
against his chest, hearing his heart beating strongly, she drifted off to
    In the morning when she
woke up, he was gone.
    He had left his jeans
in the bin, a dull ache between her legs and a hastily scrawled note on the
pillow next to her.

    I am sorry to leave you
like this, but I can see no other way. If I wake you then you will argue, and
perhaps I will give in and not leave.
    I am grateful for your
help, more than you can really imagine. If you had not stumbled into my life I
would still be stuck in that cell, stuck until they tired of hunting me and had
me killed.
    So, don't mistake my
leaving for any lack of gratitude on my part, or any indication of my level of
affection for you. No, but I am well aware that while our captors are unlikely
to know who you are, since you had no id on you and they clearly had not found
your car, they absolutely know who I am.
    So, for us to stay
together will put you at risk of recapture. I have therefore decided to make my
own way home, to see what parts of my life can be recreated, what I can
recapture without arousing suspicion from the Furies.
    I need time to create a
new identity, one which I can use to regain some of my life. Until then I
believe that I am a direct threat to your safety.
    That I cannot stand.
    Sara, go back to
London, find your own life, think about what we could mean to each other.
Examine your feelings, reflect on what has happened to both of us. But make no
mistake when it is safe to do so I will find you.
    I leave it up to you if
at that point you want to restart our relationship, or we can go our separate
    But, if you reject me,
know that it will break what is left of my heart.

    Four months later
    " Would you like a
dance?" Sara asked, leaning over the fat man so her could peer down her
dress. She held the position just long enough to tease him, but not long enough
for him to see more than he should.
    More than he should
without paying for it anyway.
    He smiled and said,
"No thanks." Sara smiled back, "Maybe later," she said.
She'd learned long ago not to take it personally. It was no reflection on her
that a fat businessman from Norfolk would rather have some other woman take her
clothes of for him. After all it was his money not hers.
    She straightened out
the tight red dress she was wearing, chosen for two reasons, first because it
matched the minuscule knickers and bra set she was wearing, and second because
with one quick movement she could undo the zip and it would fall smoothly,
quickly but sexily to the floor.
    She had to wiggle her
hips slightly to get it to fall down, a move which always scored a few more
points with the punters.
    Sara worked her way
through the crowd, the normal mix of off duty business people, works outings
and loners who just liked to look at naked girls.
    Walking past one
individual, a tall thin, bald man, she got the now familiar tingle down her
neck. Her encounter

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